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平成26〜27年度: 公募研究03

研究代表者: 木岡 紀幸
連携研究者: 木村 泰久


  • Tomiyama, L., Sezaki, T., Matsuo, M., Ueda, K., Kioka, N. Loss of Dlg5 expression promotes the migration and invasion of prostate cancer cells via Girdin phosphorylation. Oncogene 34: 1141-1149, 2015.
  • Yamashita, H., Ichikawa, T., Matsuyama, D., Kimura, Y., Ueda, K., Craig, S.W., Harada, I., Kioka, N. The role of the interaction of the vinculin proline-rich linker region with vinexin alpha in sensing the stiffness of the extracellular matrix. J. Cell Sci. 127: 1875-1886, 2014.