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平成26〜27年度: 公募研究05

研究代表者: 大澤 志津江


  • Enomoto, M., Kizawa, D., Ohsawa, S., Igaki, T. JNK signaling is converted from anti- to pro-tumor pathway by Ras-mediated switch of Warts activity. Dev. Biol. 403: 162-171, 2015.
  • #Nakamura, M., #Ohsawa, S. (equal contribution), Igaki, T. Mitochondrial defects trigger proliferation of neighboring cells via senescence-associated secretory phenotype in Drosophila. Nat. Commun. 5: 5264, 2014.
  • #Takino, K., #Ohsawa, S. (equal contribution), Igaki, T. Loss of Rab5 drives non-autonomous cell proliferation through TNF and Ras signaling in Drosophila. Dev. Biol. 395: 19-28, 2014.


  • Ohsawa, S., Takemoto, D., Igaki, T. Dissecting tumor heterogeneity in flies: genetic basis of interclonal oncogenic cooperation. J. Biochem. 156: 129-136, 2014.
  • Kunimasa, K., Ohsawa, S., Igaki, T. Cell competition: the struggle for existence in multicellular communities. "New Principles in Developmental Processes" Springer, 27-40, 2014.