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平成26〜27年度: 公募研究16

研究代表者: 吉川 大和
連携研究者: 谷水 直樹
連携研究者: 野水 基義
連携研究者: 伊東 祐二


  • Kumai, J., Hozumi, K., Yamada, Y., Katagiri, F., Kikkawa, Y., Nomizu, M. Effect of spacer length and type on the biological activity of peptide-polysaccharide matrices. Biopolymers. 2015, (in press).
  • Sato, T., Iwasaki, Y., Kikkawa, Y., Fukagawa, M. An efficacy of intensive vitamin D delivery to neointimal hyperplasia in recurrent vascular access stenosis. J. Vasc. Access 2015, (in press).
  • Hozumi, K., Fujimori, C., Katagiri, F., Kikkawa, Y., Nomizu, M. Suppression of cell adhesion through specific integrin crosstalk on mixed peptide-polysaccharide matrices. Biomaterials 37: 73-81, 2015.
  • Kikkawa, Y., Miwa, T., Tanimizu, N., Kadoya, Y., Ogawa, T., Katagiri, F., Hozumi, K., Nomizu, M., Mizuguchi, T., Hirata, K., Mitaka, T. Soluble Lutheran/basal cell adhesion molecule is detectable in plasma of hepatocellular carcinoma patients and modulates cellular interaction with laminin-511 in vitro. Exp. Cell Res. 328: 197-206, 2014.
  • Katagiri, F., Takagi, M., Nakamura, M., Tanaka, Y., Hozumi, K., Kikkawa, Y., Nomizu, M. Screening of integrin-binding peptides in a laminin peptide library derived from the mouse laminin beta chain short arm regions. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 550-551: 33-41, 2014.
  • Katagiri, F., Hara, T., Yamada, Y., Urushibata, S., Hozumi, K., Kikkawa, Y., Nomizu, M. Biological activities of the homologous loop regions in the laminin alpha chain LG modules. Biochemistry 53: 3699-3708, 2014.


  • 吉川 大和: がん細胞の接着および運動における基底膜分子ラミニン-511とその受容体Lu/B-CAMの役割:生化学、87巻、609-611、2015