TAKEDA Kiyoshi, HONDA Kenya ≪Immune Regulation≫ “ATP drives lamina proria TH17 cell differentiation.”

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Publish Nature,455: 808-812, 2008

High numbers of IL-17-producing TH17 cells are selectively present in the intestinal lamina propria. Excessive TH17-mediated responses lead to development of inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s diseases and ulcerative colitis. However, it remains totally unknown how TH17 cells differentiate in the intestine. In this study, we demonstrate that adenosine 5′-triphophate (ATP) derived from commensal bacteria acts on a unique subset of intestinal dendritic cells to instruct development of TH17 cells.

URL http://www.med.osaka-u.ac.jp/pub/ongene/