Systems, etc.

Implementation system

Osaka University - Development of a Personnel Training Framework for International and Translational Medicine

Assessment system

Quantitative assessment of medical innovation human resources education in this program consists of implementation assessment (plan realization, completion), and effect assessment (effect of program on medical innovation career development), to be rated by three types of people: program takers, instructors, and a third-party committee. Qualitative assessments, including comments by participants, will continue to be surveyed twice annually. To improve the program content and results, the program content will be reviewed once or more annually.

* Number of program takers
* Program content assessment by program takers
* Skill use in specialized jobs by people who have completed education in TR and global medicine (among people who have taken this educational program, what number use their medical innovation skills on the front line of medicine, in research, or in education, and what is the rate at which they use these skills in their employment). We will continue to quantitatively survey the above and assess the return of this program to education and to society.

International and translational medicine in practice

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