Ph.D. student Isono and Professor Kato’s article was published.

Ph.D. student M.Isono, Guest Associate Professor M.Kokado, and Professor K.Kato published a new article. In this study, we conducted a semi-structured interview survey and explored the experiences of patients with hereditary angioedema(HAE) who had remained undiagnosed for a long period of time.
We found that one of the most important factors related to the prolonged undiagnosed period is the lack of suspicion of a rare disease by patients and their medical professionals.

Title:“Why does it take so long for rare disease patients to get an accurate diagnosis?—A qualitative investigation of patient experiences of hereditary angioedema”

Published journal : PLoS ONE

Authors : Moeko Isono, Minori Kokado, Kazuto Kato

Published date : 19 Mar 2022
