「ライフサイエンス・医療と社会」 第9回 研究セミナー(2015.11.27)

「ライフサイエンス・医療と社会」 第9回 研究セミナーを開催します。




7階 セミナー・会議室


Dr. Michael Morrison
  StemBANCC Researcher
  Centre for Health, Law and Emerging Technologies (HeLEX),  
  University of Oxford


Stem Cell Banking: Ethics and Governance

StemBANCCはEUで行われている産学連携の大型プロジェクトIMI (The Innovative Medicines Initiative)の一つで、患者および健常者由来の500のiPS細胞株を作成し、創薬研究を行うというものです。プロジェクトがどのように運営されているか、 関係者から直接聞ける貴重な機会です。


 StemBANCC is an international collaborative project supported by the European Union, which aims to create 500 well characterised induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell lines from patients and healthy volunteers. The project focuses on collecting and reprogramming tissue from patients with common chronic diseases that have a high economic and disease burden and are not, at present, curable. The iPS lines created through this project are not intended to be used for cell therapy, but rather as tools for improved toxicology screening of small molecule drug candidates for these conditions. This presentation reviews the terms of informed consent that have been put in place to allow the project to recruit participants, emphasising key elements that support that creation of a bank of iPS cells as a long term resource for international scientific research. The second part of the talk then considers some of the challenges of large consortia that bring together different kinds of institutions and groups: academic and pharmaceutical industry partners; clinicians and laboratory scientists; and researchers from different countries.



