河原 行郎教授プロフィール


Publication list (〜2011)

Research Articles

  1. Mombereau C, Kawahara Y, Gundersen BB, Nishikura K, and Blendy JA. Functional relevance of serotonin 2C receptor mRNA editing in antidepressant- and anxiety-like behaviors. Neuropharmacology, 59 (6); 468-473, 2010.
  2. Kawahara Y, Grimberg A, Teegarden S, Bale TL, Liu S and Nishikura K. Dysregulated editing of serotonin 2C receptor mRNAs results in energy dissipation and loss of fat mass. Journal of Neuroscience, 28 (48); 12834-12844, 2008.
  3. Kawahara Y, Megraw M, Kreider T, Iizasa H, Hatzigeorgiou AG and Nishikura K. Frequency and fate of microRNA editing in human brain. Nucleic Acids Research, 36 (16); 5270-5280, 2008.
  4. Kawahara Y, Zinshteyn B, Chendrimada TP, Shiekhattar R and Nishikura K. RNA editing of the microRNA-151 precursor blocks cleavage by the Dicer-TRBP complex. EMBO Reports, 8; 763-769, 2007.
  5. *Kawahara Y, Zinshteyn B, Sethupathy P, Iizasa H, Hatzigeorgiou AG and *Nishikura K. Redirection of silencing targets by adenosine-to-inosine editing of miRNAs. (*Co-corresponding authors) Science, 315; 1137-1140, 2007.
  6. Kawahara Y, Nishikura K. Extensive adenosine-to-inosine editing detected in Alu repeats of antisense RNAs reveals scarcity of sense-antisense duplex formation. FEBS Letters, 580; 2301-2305, 2006.
  7. Sun H, Kawahara Y, Ito K, Kanazawa I, Kwak S. Slow and selective death of spinal motor neurons in vivo by intrathecal infusion of kainic acid: Implications for AMPA receptor-mediated excitotoxicity in ALS. Journal of Neurochemistry, 98; 782-791, 2006.
  8. Kawahara Y, Sun H, Ito K, Hideyama T, Aoki M, Sobue G, Tsuji S, Kwak S. Underediting of GluR2 mRNA, a neuronal death inducing molecular change in sporadic ALS, does not occur in motor neurons in ALS1 or SBMA. Neuroscience Research, 54; 11-14, 2006.
  9. Kawahara Y, Ito K, Ito M, Tsuji S, Kwak S. Novel splice variants of human ADAR2 mRNA: Skipping of the exon encoding the dsRNA-binding domains, and multiple C-terminal splice sites. Gene, 363; 193-201, 2005.
  10. Sun H, Kawahara Y, Ito K, Kanazawa I, *Kwak S. Expression profile of AMPA receptor subunit mRNA in single adult rat brain and spinal cord neurons in situ. Neuroscience Research, 52; 228-234, 2005.
  11. Kawahara Y, Ito K, Ito M, Sun H, Kanazawa I, Kwak S. GluR4c, an alternative splicing isoform of GluR4 is abundant in adult human brain. Molecular Brain Ressearch, 127; 150-155, 2004.
  12. Kawahara Y, Ito K, Sun H, Ito M, Kanazawa I, Kwak S. Regulation of glutamate receptor RNA editing and ADAR mRNA expression in developing human normal and Down’s syndrome brains. Developmental Brain Research, 148; 151-155, 2004.
  13. Kawahara Y, Ito K, Sun H, Aizawa H, Kanazawa I, Kwak S. RNA editing and motor neuron death. Nature, 427; 83, 2004.
  14. Kawahara Y, Ito K, Sun H, Kanazawa I, Kwak S. Low editing efficiency of GluR2 mRNA is associated with a low relative abundance of ADAR2 mRNA in white matter of normal human brain. European Journal of Neuroscience, 18; 23-33, 2003.
  15. Kawahara Y, Kwak S, Sun H, Ito K, Hashida H, Aizawa H, Jeong SY, Kanazawa I. Human spinal motoneurons express low relative abundance of GluR2 mRNA: An implication for excitotoxicity in ALS. Journal of Neurochemistry, 85: 680-689, 2003.

Review Articles & Books

  1. Maas S, Kawahara Y, Tamburro KM, Nishikura K. A-to-I RNA editing and human disease. RNA Biology, 3; e1-e9, 2006.
  2. Kwak S, Kawahara Y. Deficient RNA editing of GluR2 and neuronal death in ALS. Journal of Molecular Medicine, 83; 110-120, 2005.
  3. *Kawahara Y, Kwak S. Excitotoxicity and ALS: What is unique about the AMPA receptors expressed on spinal motor neurons? (*Corresponding author) Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other Motor Neuron Disorders, 6; 131-144, 2005.

Japanese Reviews

  1. 河原行郎. microRNA発現の転写後調節機構. 生体の科学, 61(4): 308-314, 2010.
  2. 河原行郎. RNA編集の異常と関連する疾患. 実験医学(増刊), 28: 1628-1635, 2010.
  3. 河原行郎,西倉和子. RNA編集から疾患治療へ.遺伝子医学MOOK, 15: 174-180, 2009.
  4. 河原行郎,西倉和子. RNA編集によるmicroRNA機能調節.蛋白質核酸酵素,54: 1133-1140, 2009.
  5. 河原行郎. microRNAの神経生物学.Brain and Nerve, 60(12): 1437-1444, 2008.
  6. 河原行郎,西倉和子. RNA編集と関連する疾患.実験医学(増刊), 26(10): 1614-1620, 2008.
  7. 河原行郎,西倉和子. RNA編集によるmicroRNA機能制御. 細胞, 39(12): 493-496, 2007.
  8. 河原行郎,西倉和子. RNA編集によるsmall RNA修飾と機能制御. 実験医学, 25(6): 829-835, 2007.
  9. 日出山拓人, 河原行郎, 郭伸. 筋萎縮性側索硬化症の研究の進歩.医学のあゆみ(増刊),83-90, 2006.
  10. 西本祥仁, 日出山拓人, 河原行郎, 郭伸. AMPA受容体サブユニットGluR2のRNA編集とALSにおける神経細胞死.Clinical Neuroscience, 24(2): 222-225, 2006.
  11. 河原行郎, 西倉和子. RNA編集と精神疾患.脳と精神の医学, 16(2): 103-111, 2005.
  12. 西本祥仁, 日出山拓人, 河原行郎, 郭伸. ALSにおける分子生物学的変化.医学のあゆみ, 215(8):683-687, 2005.
  13. 日出山拓人, 河原行郎, 郭伸. ALSとAMPA受容体.脳と神経, 57(7): 585-598, 2005.
  14. 日出山拓人, 河原行郎, 郭伸. 筋萎縮性側索硬化症の分子病理〜病態と治療〜.最新医学, 60(5): 1072-1080, 2005.
  15. 日出山拓人, 河原行郎, 郭伸. 筋萎縮性側索硬化症の研究の進歩.医学の歩み, 212:937-944, 2005.
  16. 日出山拓人, 河原行郎, 郭伸. ALSの分子生物学.Current Insights in Neurological Science,  13(2):2-4, 2005.
  17. 日出山拓人, 河原行郎, 郭伸. 筋萎縮性側索硬化症における運動ニューロン死の分子病態.内科, 94:952-961, 2004.
  18. 日出山拓人, 河原行郎, 郭伸. 運動ニューロン病の分子病態と治療. 2.孤発性ALS、先端医療シリーズ30「神経内科の最新医療」, 143-149, 2004.
  19. 河原行郎, 日出山拓人, 郭伸. 筋萎縮性側索硬化症の分子標的治療への展望.最新医学, 59:1620-1626, 2004.
  20. 河原行郎, 郭伸. ALSにおけるRNA編集異常と脊髄運動ニューロン死.医学の歩み,209:979-980, 2004.
  21. 河原行郎, 郭伸. 脳科学におけるRNA編集の重要性.Clinical Neuroscience, 22(3):250-251, 2004.
  22. 河原行郎, 郭伸. AMPA型受容体の異常〜ALSをめぐる最近の動き. Brain Medical, 14(1): 55-62, 2002.