Endowed Chair

Inter-Organ Communication Research in Kidney Disease

To Reveal the Inter-Organ Communication in Kidney disease
  • Regulation of vascular calcification and function by magnesium supplementation
  • The role of renal congestion in cardiorenal linkage and nephrotic syndrome
  • Hypocalcemia and heart failure in kidney disease
  • The role of iron deficiency in heart failure and vascular calcification with kidney disease
  • Vitamin D therapy for prevention of bone fracture

Restoration of homeostasis in chronic kidney disease and its effect on the other organ

In chronic kidney disease (CKD), homeostasis is disrupted. This causes dysfunction of various tissues and organs such as the heart, blood vessels, bone marrow (anemia), the brain, and bone. This dysfunction further diminishes the functioning of other organs and tissues, and it consequently has a negative impact on residual kidney function. One piece of evidence of the relationship between the heart and kidneys is mineral and bone disorders in CKD (CKD-MBD). However, CKD-MBD can also be referred to as the relationship between bone and blood vessels in CKD. The relationship between the kidneys and other organs, such as the relationship between the intestines and the kidneys and the relationship between the lungs and the kidneys, has garnered attention. Controlling a complication of CKD is often found to affect other complications in CKD, such as treatment of CKD-MBD being linked to alleviation of renal anemia. From this perspective, the current authors have sought to determine and regulate the relationship between the complications of renal failure based on both clinical research and basic research. The current authors have clinically examined aspects of kidney failure. These aspects include the relationship between the heart and kidneys from the perspective of renal congestion, control of vascular calcification and restoration of vascular and kidney function through magnesium supplementation, the relationship between iron deficiency and heart failure/vascular calcification, hypocalcemia and incident heart failure in kidney failure, and the balance between phosphorus intake and enteric bacteria.