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  4. C-11 methionine PET

2) Diagnostic PET/SPECT【Oncology PET】
C-11 methionine PET

C-11 methionine PET has a long history in brain tumor imaging research and is known to be more useful in determining the extent of brain tumor progression than MRI. To evaluate the diagnostic power of C-11 methionine PET in detecting brain tumor recurrence after radiation therapy and diagnosing suspected gliomas, our department has collaborated with Hokkaido University and Fukushima Medical University since 2015 and 2017 to conduct clinical trials as two advanced medical treatments B, which were approved by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
These trials were completed in March 2020, and we are currently analyzing the data with the aim of obtaining regulatory approval for the C-11 methionine synthesizer (C-MET100).