HOME研究紹介損傷した中枢神経回路の再生を抑制する機構 > 新規軸索再生阻害因子RGMの同定とその機能の解明
発生期には、軸索を誘導する因子が適切な神経回路の形成に必須の役割を担う。このうち軸索を反発させる因子は成長円錐を虚脱させ、軸索を腿縮させることから、成体の中枢神経では再生阻害に働いているのではないかと考えられる。実際に脊髄損傷周辺部に複数の軸索反発因子の発現が高まってくることがわかっている。GPIアンカー型タンパク質であるRepulsive guidance molecule (RGM)は、胎生期において網膜や海馬の神経細胞の軸索誘導や神経管の閉鎖に関与するタンパク質であるが、脊髄損傷の後にも損傷部で発現の増加がみられる。ラットの脊髄損傷後に、RGMの効果を中和する抗体を損傷局所に投与したところ、有意な運動機能改善と皮質脊髄路の再生が認められた(図5;Hata et al., J. Cell Biol.,2006)。私たちはRGMがどのように神経細胞に働きかけるのか、その分子機構の解明を行った(図6;Hata et al., J. Cell Biol.,2009; Endo et al., J. Neurosci., 2009)。さらにRGMの惹起する幅広いシグナルが様々な生命現象に関わることを見いだした(参考論文参照)。
  • Hata, K., Fujitani, M., Yasuda, Y., Doya, H., Saito, T., Yamagishi, S., Mueller, B.K. and Yamashita, T. (2006) RGMa inhibition promotes axonal growth and recovery after spinal cord injury. J. Cell Biol. 173, 47-58.
  • Doya, H., Ito, T., Hata, K., Fujitani, M., Ohtori, S., Saito-Watanabe, T., Moriya, H., Takahashi, K., Kubo, T. and Yamashita, T. (2006) Induction of repulsive guidance molecule in neurons following sciatic nerve injury. J. Chem. Neuroanat. 32, 74-77.
  • Yamashita, T., Mueller, B.K. and Hata, K. (2007) Neogenin and RGM signaling in the central nervous system. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 17, 29-34.
  • Matsuura, I., Endo, M., Hata, K., Kubo, T., Yamaguchi, A., Saeki, N. and Yamashita, T. (2007) BMP inhibits neurite growth by a mechanism dependent on LIM-kinase. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 360, 868-873.
  • Kyoto, A., Hata, K. and Yamashita, T. (2007) Synapse formation of the cortico-spinal axons is enhanced by RGMa inhibition after spinal cord injury. Brain Res. 1186, 74-86.
  • Fujita, Y., Taniguchi, J., Uchikawa, M., Endo, M., Hata, K., Kubo, T., Mueller, B.K. and Yamashita, T. (2008) Neogenin regulates neuronal survival through DAP-kinase. Cell Death Differ. 15, 1593-1608.
  • Ohshima, Y., Kubo, T., Koyama, R., Ueno, M., Nakagawa, M. and Yamashita, T. (2008) Regulation of axonal elongation and pathfinding from the entorhinal cortex to the dentate gyrus in the hippocampus by the chemokine stromal cell-derived factor 1α. J. Neurosci. 28, 8344-8353.
  • Kubo, T., Endo, M., Hata, K., Taniguchi, J., Kitajo, K., Tomura, S., Yamaguchi, A., Mueller, B.K. and Yamashita, T. (2008) Myosin IIA is required for neurite outgrowth inhibition produced by RGMa. J. Neurochem. 105, 113-126.
  • Matsuura, I., Taniguchi, J., Hata, K., Saeki, N. and Yamashita, T. (2008) BMP inhibition enhances axonal growth and functional recovery after spinal cord injury. J. Neurochem. 105, 1471-1479.
  • Schaffer, G., Taniguchi, J., Brodbeck, T., Meyer, A.H., Schmidt, M., Yamashita, T. and Mueller, B.K. (2008) LIM-Only-Protein 4 (LMO4) interacts directly with the RGM A Receptor Neogenin. J. Neurochem. 107, 418-431.
  • Suda, M., Hata, K., Sawada, A., Nakamura, Y., Kubo, T., Yamaguchi, A. and Yamashita, T. (2008) Peptides derived from repulsive guidance molecule act as antagonists. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 371, 501-504.
  • Hata, K., Kaibuchi, K., Inagaki, S. and Yamashita, T. (2009) Unc5B associates with LARG to mediate the action of repulsive guidance molecule. J. Cell Biol. 184, 737-750.
  • Endo, M. and Yamashita, T. (2009) Inactivation of Ras by p120GAP via FAK dephosphorylation mediates RGMa-induced growth cone collapse. J. Neurosci. In press.
  • Liu, X., Hashimoto, M., Horii, H., Yamaguchi, A., Naito, K. and Yamashita, T. (2009) Repulsive guidance molecule b inhibits neurite growth and is increased after spinal cord injury. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. In press.