


  1. 第43回 日本内分泌学会研究奨励賞:奥野陽亮「酸化ストレス/コルチゾールによる正所性・異所性脂肪蓄積とBMAH原因遺伝子ARMC5の分子制御機構に関する研究」
  2. 第43回 小澤修造賞:奥野陽亮「BMAHの原因遺伝子ARMC5は、全長型SREBPに対する新規ユビキチンリガーゼである」
  3. 第96回 日本内分泌学会学術総会「愛・内分泌」賞(優秀演題賞):奥野陽亮「日本における粘液水腫性昏睡は自己抗体陰性の頻度が高い」
  4. 第96回 日本内分泌学会学術総会「愛・内分泌」賞(優秀演題賞):小林祥子「血管・脂肪組織由来分泌因子Favineの機能解析」
  5. 第96回 日本内分泌学会学術総会「愛・内分泌」賞(優秀演題賞):佐々木周伍「2型糖尿病感受性遺伝子GRK5は膵β細胞量を調節する」
  6. 第96回 日本内分泌学会学術総会「愛・内分泌」賞(優秀演題賞):中谷理恵子「分化型甲状腺癌における131I放射性ヨウ素内用療法の初回治療画像に基づく、予後予測因子の確立」
  7. 第36回 西川光夫賞:西谷重紀「ケトン体3-ヒドロキシ酪酸は脂肪細胞の機能を制御する」
  8. 第31回 垂井清一郎症例研究賞:早川友朗「尿中細胞外小胞のナトリウムチャネル定量による新規MR活性評価系の確立」
  9. 第96回 日本内分泌学会学術総会「愛・内分泌」賞(優秀演題賞):早川友朗「臨床検体を用いたミネラロコルチコイド受容体活性測定系の評価」
  10. 第13回 日本糖尿病学会若手研究奨励賞(YIA):堀井知美「2型糖尿病患者における成熟インスリン顆粒の減少は膵β細胞内の脂肪滴蓄積やオートリソソームの増加と関連する」
  11. 第13回 日本糖尿病学会若手研究奨励賞(YIA):川田哲史「免疫チェックポイント阻害薬関連1型糖尿病の発症には膵島でのPD-L1発現低下、炎症細胞浸潤、疾患感受性HLAが関連する」
  12. 第14回 NPO法人日本ホルモンステーション臨床医学研究塾 CIA賞:川田哲史「Inflammatory Cell Infiltration Into Islets Without PD-L1 Expression Is Associated With the Development of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Related Type 1 Diabetes in Genetically Susceptible Patients」
  13. 第96回 日本内分泌学会学術総会 若手臨床内分泌医奨励賞 Runners-Up賞:田村有里「診断に苦慮した不適切TSH分泌症候群(SITSH)の1例」


  1. Baden MY, Kato S, Niki A, Hara T, Ozawa H, Ishibashi C, Hosokawa Y, Fujita Y, Fujishima Y, Nishizawa H, Kozawa J, Muraki I, Furuya Y, Yonekura A, Shigyo T, Kawabe T, Shimomura I, Eisenberg DM. Feasibility Pilot Study of a Japanese Teaching Kitchen Program. Frontiers in Public Health. 2023;11:1258434.
  2. Charbonnel BH, Chen H, Cid-Ruzafa J, Cooper A, Fenici P, Gomes MB, Saraiva GL, Medina J, Nicolucci A, Shestakova MV, Shimomura I, Surmont F, Tang F, Vora J, Watada H, Khunti K; DISCOVER Investigators. Treatment patterns and glycated haemoglobin levels over 36 months in individuals with type 2 diabetes initiating second-line glucose-lowering therapy: The global DISCOVER study. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2023;25:46-55.
  3. Ellis CE, Mojibian M, Ida S, Fung VCW, Skovsø S, McIver E, O'Dwyer S, Webber TD, Braam MJS, Saber N, Sasaki S, Lynn FC, Kieffer TJ, Levings MK. Human A2-CAR T Cells Reject HLA-A2+ Human Islets Transplanted Into Mice Without Inducing Graft-Versus-Host Disease. Transplantation. 2023;107:e222-3.
  4. Fang L, Ohashi K, Hayakawa S, Ogawa H, Otaka N, Kawanishi H, Takikawa T, Ozaki Y, Takahara K, Tatsumi M, Takefuji M, Shimizu Y, Bando YK, Fujishima Y, Maeda N, Shimomura I, Murohara T, Ouchi N. Adipolin protects against renal injury via PPARα-dependent reduction of inflammasome activation. iScience. 2023;26:106591.
  5. Fujishima Y, Nishizawa H, Kawachi Y, Nakamura T, Akari S, Ono Y, Fukuda S, Kita S, Maeda N, Hoshide S, Shimomura I, Kario K. The Effects of Topiroxostat, a Selective Xanthine Oxidoreductase Inhibitor, on Arterial Stiffness in Hyperuricemic Patients with Liver Dysfunction: A Sub-Analysis of the BEYOND-UA Study. Biomedicines. 2023;11:674.
  6. Fujishima Y, Kita S, Nishizawa H, Maeda N, Shimomura I. Cardiovascular significance of adipose-derived adiponectin and liver-derived xanthine oxidoreductase in metabolic syndrome. Endocrine Journal. 2023;70:663-75.
  7. Fukuoka K, Mineo R, Kita S, Fukuda S, Okita T, Kawada-Horitani E, Iioka M, Fujii K, Kawada K, Fujishima Y, Nishizawa H, Maeda N, Shimomura I. ER stress decreases exosome production through adiponectin/T-cadherin-dependent and -independent pathways. J Biol Chem. 2023;299:105114.
  8. Hirosaki M, Ohira T, Wu Y, Eguchi E, Shirai K, Imano H, Funakubo N, Nishizawa H, Katakami N, Shimomura I, Iso H. Laughter yoga as an enjoyable therapeutic approach for glycemic control in individuals with type 2 diabetes: A randomized controlled trial. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2023;14:1148468.
  9. Iioka M, Hayakawa T, Otsuki M, Shimomura I. A Rare Case of Placental Abruption and Postpartum Compression Fractures in Pregnancy With Cushing Syndrome. JCEM Case Rep. 2023;1:luad128.
  10. Iso H, Noguchi M, Yokoyama T, Yoshida T, Saito I, Shintani A, Sairenchi T, Nishizawa H, Imano H, Kitamura A, Shimomura I; for J-HARP Research Group. Effect of a Community-Based Program to Accelerate Referral to Physicians for Individuals at High-Risk of Lifestyle-Related Diseases: A Cluster Randomized Trial. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2023;30:1389-406.
  11. Kashiwagi-Takayama R, Kozawa J, Hosokawa Y, Kato S, Kawata S, Ozawa H, Mineo R, Ishibashi C, Baden MY, Iwamoto R, Saisho K, Fujita Y, Tamba S, Sugiyama T, Nishizawa H, Maeda N, Yamamoto K, Higashi M, Yamada Y, Sakata Y, Matsuzawa Y, Shimomura I. Myocardial fat accumulation is associated with cardiac dysfunction in patients with type 2 diabetes, especially in elderly or female patients: a retrospective observational study. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2023;22:48.
  12. Katakami N, Mita T, Yoshii H, Shiraiwa T, Yasuda T, Okada Y, Kurozumi A, Hatazaki, M, Kaneto H, Osonoi T, Yamamoto T, Kuribayashi N, Maeda M, Yokoyama H, Kosugi K, Ohtoshi K, Hayashi I, Sumitani S, Tsugawa M, Ryomoto K, Kato K, Nakamura T, Kawashima S, Sato Y, Watada H, Shimomura I, on behalf of the UTOPIA study investigators. Tofogliflozin long-term effects on atherosclerosis progression and major clinical parameters in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus lacking a history of cardiovascular disease: a 2-year extension study of the UTOPIA trial. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2023;22:143.
  13. Kawada K, Kita S, Fukuda S, Fukuoka K, Okita T, Kawada-Horitani E, Iioka M, Sakaue TA, Kawachi Y, Fujii K, Kimura Y, Otabe S, Fujishima Y, Nishizawa H, Maeda N, Shimomura I. Chronic hyperadiponectinemia induced by transgenic overexpression increases plasma exosomes without significantly improving glucose and lipid metabolism. Endocrine Journal. Endocrine Journal. 2023;70:635-45.
  14. Kawamori D, Kageyama Y, Tanaka T, Ishizaka Y, Hosoe S, Katakami N, Shimomura I. Characteristic changes in plasma glutamate levels and free amino acid profiles in Japanese patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. J Diabetes Investig. 2023;14:111-21.
  15. Kawamori D, Sasaki S. Newly discovered knowledge pertaining to glucagon and its clinical applications. J Diabetes Investig. 2023;14:829-37.
  16. Kawasaki E, Shimada A, Imagawa A, Abiru N, Awata T, Oikawa Y, Osawa H, Kawabata Y, Kozawa J, Kobayashi T, Takahashi K, Chujo D, Fukui T, Miura J, Yasuda K, Yasuda H, Kajio H, Hanafusa T, Ikegami H; Committee of type 1 diabetes, Japan Diabetes Society. Bivalent GAD autoantibody ELISA improves clinical utility and risk prediction for adult autoimmune diabetes. J Diabetes Investig. 2023;14:570-81.
  17. Kawasaki E, Shimada A, Imagawa A, Abiru N, Awata T, Oikawa Y, Osawa H, Kawabata Y, Kozawa J, Kobayashi T, Takahashi K, Chujo D, Fukui T, Miura J, Yasuda K, Yasuda H, Kajio H, Hanafusa T, Ikegami H; Committee of type 1 diabetes, Japan Diabetes Society. Comparing the clinical significance and antigen specificity of insulinoma-associated antigen-2 autoantibodies between radioimmunoassay and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in Japanese patients with type 1 diabetes. J Diabetes Investig. 2023;14:58-66.
  18. Kawata S, Kozawa J, Yoneda S, Fujita Y, Kashiwagi-Takayama R, Kimura T, Hosokawa Y, Baden Y.M, Uno S, Uenaka R, Namai K, Koh Y, Tomimaru Y, Hirata H, Uemura M, Nojima S, Morii E, Eguchi H, Imagawa A, Shimomura I. Inflammatory Cell Infiltration Into Islets Without PD-L1 Expression Is Associated With the Development of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Related Type 1 Diabetes in Genetically Susceptible Patients. Diabetes. 2023;72:511-9.
  19. Kimura Y, Fujishima Y, Nishizawa H, Saito T, Miyazaki Y, Shirahase K, Tokuzawa C, Nagai N, Fukuda S, Maeda K, Maeda N, Doki Y, Shimomura I. Changes in Eating Behaviors and Their Associations with Weight Loss in Japanese Patients Who Underwent Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy. Nutrients. 2023;15:353.
  20. Matsuda M, Himeno N, Nakashima A, Nakagawa N, Kohashi T, Kawamori D, Kamei N. Different post-pancreatectomy glucagon responses to a meal test between surgical approaches. Endocr J. 2023;70:1077-85.
  21. Mita T, Katakami N, Okada Y, Yoshii H, Osonoi T, Nishida K, Shiraiwa T, Kurozumi A, Taya N, Wakasugi S, Sato F, Ishii R, Gosho M, Shimomura I, Watada H. Higher Time in Range and Lower Glucose Variability Metrics Were Associated with Improvement in the Tissue Characteristic of the Carotid Artery Wall in Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetologia. 2023;66:2356-67.
  22. Mita T, Katakami N, Yoshii H, Onuma T, Kaneto H, Osonoi T, Shiraiwa T, Yasuda T, Umayahara Y, Yamamoto T, Yokoyama H, Kuribayashi N, Jinnouchi H, Gosho M, Shimomura I, Watada H. Long-term efficacy and safety of early alogliptin initiation in subjects with type 2 diabetes: an extension of the SPEAD-A study. Sci Rep. 2023;13:14649.
  23. Mitsushio K, Baden MY, Kato S, Niki A, Ozawa H, Motoda S, Ishibashi C, Hosokawa Y, Fujita Y, Tokunaga A, Nammo T, Kozawa J, Shimomura I. Relationships between intra-pancreatic fat deposition and lifestyle factors: a cross-sectional study. Front Endocrinol. 2023;14:1219579.
  24. Nagao H, Jayavelu AK, Cai W, Pan H, Dreyfuss JM, Batista TM, Brandão BB, Mann M, Kahn CR. Unique ligand and kinase-independent roles of the insulin receptor in regulation of cell cycle, senescence and apoptosis. Nat Commun. 2023;14:57.
  25. Nagao H, Cai W, Brandão BB, Wewer Albrechtsen NJ, Steger M, Gattu AK, Pan H, Dreyfuss JM, Wunderlich FT, Mann M, Kahn CR. Leucine-973 is a crucial residue differentiating insulin and IGF-1 receptor signaling. J Clin Invest. 2023;133:e161472.
  26. Novakovsky G, Sasaki S, Fornes O, Omur ME, Huang H, Bayly CL, Zhang D, Lim N, Cherkasov A, Pavlidis P, Mostafavi S, Lynn FC, Wasserman WW. In silico discovery of small molecules for efficient stem cell differentiation into definitive endoderm. Stem Cell Reports. 2023;18:765-81.
  27. Ozawa H, Fukui F, Fujita Y, Ishibashi C, Yoneda S, Nammo T, Fujita S, Baden MY, Kimura T, Tokunaga A, Kozawa J, Eguchi H, Shimomura I. Expansion of human alpha-cell area is associated with a higher maximum body mass index before the onset of type 2 diabetes. J Diabetes. 2023;15:277-82.
  28. Sasaki S, Miyatsuka T. Heterogeneity of Islet Cells during Embryogenesis and Differentiation. Diabetes Metab J. 2023;47:173-84.
  29. Taguchi T, Kimura K, Suzuki A, Fujishima R, Shimizu N, Hoshiyama A, Masaki T, Inoue M, Kato Y, Satomi T, Takano K, Imada T, Sasaki S, Miyatsuka T. ATP6AP2 is robustly expressed in pancreatic β cells and neuroendocrine tumors, and plays a role in maintaining cellular viability. Sci Rep. 2023;13:9260.
  30. Saito Y, Tanaka A, Ishizu T, Yoshida H, Kubota Y, Nanasato M, Matsuhisa M, Ohya Y, Kobayashi Y, Node K; PRIZE Study Investigators. Factors associated with carotid intima-media thickness progression in patients with asymptomatic hyperuricemia: insights from the PRIZE study. Sci Rep. 2023;13:10927.
  31. Sasaki S, Nian C, Xu EE, Pasula DJ, Winata H, Grover S, Luciani DS, Lynn FC. Type 2 diabetes susceptibility gene GRK5 regulates physiological pancreatic β-cell proliferation via phosphorylation of HDAC5 in mice. iScience. 2023;26:107311.
  32. Shin J, Shimomura I. COVID-19, obesity, and GRP78: unraveling the pathological link. J Obes Metab Syndr. 2023;32:183-96.
  33. Shin J, Toyoda S, Okuno Y, Hayashi R, Nishitani S, Onodera T, Sakamoto H, Ito S, Kobayashi S, Nagao H, Kita S, Otsuki M, Fukuhara A, Nagata K, Shimomura I. HSP47 levels determine the degree of body adiposity. Nat Commun. 2023;14:7319.
  34. Takahara M, Iida O, Ohura N, Soga Y, Yamaoka T, Azuma N. Injury Precipitating Tissue Loss and Time to Referral to a Vascular Center in Patients with Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2023;30:287-98.
  35. Takahara M, Iida O, Ohura N, Soga Y, Yamaoka T, Azuma N. Social isolation in patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia: a cross-sectional study. Sci Rep. 2023;13:1933.
  36. Takahara M, Soga Y, Fujihara M, Iida O, Kawasaki D. Association of Smoking, Diabetes, and Dialysis with the Presence of Popliteal Lesions in Femoropopliteal Artery Disease. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2023;30:1327-35.
  37. Takahara M, Soga Y, Fujihara M, Iida O, Kawasaki D. Sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitor use in patients with diabetes mellitus undergoing endovascular therapy for symptomatic peripheral artery disease. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2023;22:273.
  38. Taya N, Katakami N, Omori K, Hosoe S, Watanabe H, Takahara M, Miyashita K, Nishizawa H, Konya Y, Obara S, Hidaka A, Nakao M, Takahashi M, Izumi Y, Shimomura I, Bamba T. Change in fatty acid composition of plasma triglyceride caused by a 2 week comprehensive risk management for diabetes: A prospective observational study of type 2 diabetes patients with supercritical fluid chromatography/mass spectrometry-based semi-target lipidomic analysis. J Diabetes Investig. 2023;14:102-10.
  39. Watanabe H, Takahara M, Katakami N, Shimomura I Changes of HbA1c variability after the switch to a longer-acting insulin analog in people with type 1 diabetes. J Diabetes Investig. 2023;14:259-62.
  40. Yabe D, Kawamori D, Seino Y, Oura T, Takeuchi M. Change of pharmacodynamics parameters following once-weekly tirzepatide treatment versus dulaglutide in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes (SURPASS J-mono sub-study). Diabetes Obes Metab. 2023;25:398-406.


  1. 下村伊一郎:メタボリックシンドロームの病態形成因子の研究 医科学応用研究財団研究報告 2023;40:378-383.
  2. 綿田裕孝、下村伊一郎:アログリプチンによる糖尿病大血管症の進展抑制効果の検討ExtensionStudySPEAD-AExtensionstudy 研究助成業績報告集(指定研究助成)2022年度 2023:35-42.
  3. 喜多俊文、下村伊一郎:細胞間代謝メディエーターとしてのExosome 糖尿病・内分泌代謝科 2023;57:103-110.
  4. 喜多俊文、下村伊一郎:肥満症とがんー病態連関・鍵となる分子イベント 医学のあゆみ 2023;286:777-782.
  5. 西澤均:肥満と生活習慣病、動脈硬化性疾患に至る病態 肥満・肥満症の生活習慣改善指導ハンドブック2022 2022:25-34.
  6. 西澤均、下村伊一郎:肥満症の治療と管理~『肥満症診療ガイドライン2022』をふまえて~ 日本栄養士会雑誌 2023;66:10-11.
  7. 西澤均:メタボリックシンドローム 動脈硬化性疾患予防のための脂質異常症診療ガイド2023年度版 2023:98-99.
  8. 西澤均:NAFLD/NASH 動脈硬化性疾患予防のための脂質異常症診療ガイド2023年度版2023:101-102.
  9. 西澤均:Q16高レムナント血症の測定法や日常臨床での対応を教えてください。 動脈硬化性疾患予防のための脂質異常症診療ガイド2023年度版 2023:166.
  10. 西澤均:肥満症治療薬としてのGLP-1受容体作動薬関連ペプチド 糖尿病・内分泌プラクティスWeb 2023:a0064.
  11. 西澤均:CrossTalk肥満と尿酸 尿酸NEXTStage 2023;3:2-5.
  12. 西澤均、川知祐介、藤島裕也、下村伊一郎:NAFLD/NASHを伴う高尿酸血症と動脈硬化~キサンチン酸化還元酵素の意義~ 痛風と尿酸・核酸 2023;47:99-106.
  13. 長井直子、下村伊一郎:『肥満症診療ガイドライン2022』を踏まえた肥満症に対する栄養管理と栄養指導の実際 日本栄養士会雑誌 2023;66:12-13.
  14. 長井直子、徳澤千恵、山口智勢、中前純治、藤島裕也、西澤均、西塔拓郎、下村伊一郎:減量・代謝改善手術における多角的な栄養食事指導と多職種連携 肥満症治療学展望 2023;11:6-8.
  15. 片上直人:生理学的検査の活用 糖尿病専門医研修ガイドブック日本糖尿病学会編2023:160-163.
  16. 片上直人:第18章糖尿病5.合併症・併発症糖尿病大血管症. 内分泌代謝・糖尿病内科領域専門医研修ガイドブック日本内分泌学会・日本糖尿病学会編 2023:388-391.
  17. 片上直人:頸動脈エコー検査~その糖尿病診療における活用法~ 糖尿病・内分泌代謝科 2023:55-62.
  18. 河盛段:インスリン拮抗ホルモン 日本内分泌学会・日本糖尿病学会編内分泌代謝・糖尿病内科領域専門医研修ガイドブック 2023:312-4.
  19. 河盛段:3-4.インスリン拮抗ホルモン 日本糖尿病学会編糖尿病専門医研修ガイドブック改訂第9版 2023:52-7.
  20. 河盛段:4.糖尿病が長く続くとどうなるのか?―合併症を知る 糖尿病治療の手引2023改訂58版増補 2023.
  21. 細川吉弥:感染症総合教育研究拠点(CiDER)について 生産と技術 2023;75:126-8.
  22. 川田哲史、小澤純二:【免疫チェックポイント阻害剤の副作用-irAEの発生メカニズムとその対処方法】1型糖尿病劇症1型糖尿病との比較を中心に カレントテラピー 2023;41:633-8.
  23. 上田洋行、岡田随象:HLA遺伝子型と疾患ゲノム解析 炎症と免疫 2023;31:89-93.
  24. Karolina Budzen、向井康祐、光井悠人、大月道夫、福原淳範、下村伊一郎:Concordant response to dynamic tests in Cushing's disease. 日本内分泌学会雑誌 2023;99 Suppl.Update:21-23.

ページトップ ▲



  1. 令和4年度日本肥満学会賞:下村伊一郎「脂肪組織の重要性・保護作用と病態学」
  2. 第30回垂井清一郎症例研究賞:奥野陽亮「低用量ピルはクッシング症候群術後の副腎皮質機能回復を遷延する」
  3. 第29回垂井清一郎症例研究賞:小林祥子「線維芽細胞増殖因子受容体1遺伝子新規変異を有するHartsfield症候群成人男性の内分泌学的特徴」
  4. 日本内分泌学会第42回研究奨励賞:藤島裕也「メタボリックシンドロームにおける、全身の代謝異常および動脈硬化症の発症・進展に関わる分子メカニズムの解明」
  5. 第95回日本内分泌学会学術総会若手研究奨励賞 (YIA):西谷重紀「ケトン体による脂肪細胞機能制御」
  6. 第95回日本内分泌学会第23回若手研究奨励賞(YIA):川知祐介「肝由来XORの病態学的意義:NAFLD/NASH病態における動脈硬化症への関与」
  7. 第13回臨床医学研究塾CIA:川知祐介「Plasma xanthine oxidoreductase activity in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes across hospitalized treatment」
  8. 日本糖尿病学会第12回若手研究奨励賞(YIA) :堀谷恵美「免疫チェックポイント阻害薬投与により誘発される1型糖尿病への間葉系幹細胞投与効果の検討」


  1. Arnold SV, Khunti K, Tang F, Chen H, Cid-Ruzafa J, Cooper A, Fenici P, Gomes MB, Hammar N, Ji L, Saraiva GL, Medina J, Nicolucci A, Ramirez L, Rathmann W, Shestakova MV, Shimomura I, Surmont F, Vora J, Watada H, Kosiborod M. Incidence rates and predictors of microvascular and macrovascular complications in patients with type 2 diabetes: Results from the longitudinal global discover study. Am Heart J. 2022;243:232-9.
  2. Arnold SV, Tang F, Cooper A, Chen H, Gomes MB, Rathmann W, Shimomura I, Vora J, Watada H, Khunti K, Kosiborod M.  Global use of SGLT2 inhibitors and GLP-1 receptor agonists in type 2 diabetes. Results from DISCOVER. BMC Endocr Disord.  2022;22:111.
  3. Chujo D, Imagawa A, Yasuda K, Abiru N, Awata T, Fukui T, Ikegami H, Kawasaki E, Katsuki T, Kobayashi T, Kozawa J, Nagasawa K, Ohtsu H, Oikawa Y, Osawa H, Shimada A, Shimoda M, Takahashi K, Tsuchiya K, Tsujimoto T, Yasuda H, Hanafusa T, Kajio H. Japanese Type 1 Diabetes Database Study (TIDE-J): rationale and study design. Diabetol Int. 2021;13:288-94.
  4. Fujikawa Shingu K, Waguri M, Takahara M, Katakami N, Shimomura I. Trends in maternal characteristics and perinatal outcomes among Japanese pregnant women with type 1 and type 2 diabetes from 1982 to 2020. J Diabetes Investig. 2022;13:1761-70.
  5. Fujita S, Horitani E, Miyashita Y, Fujita Y, Fukui K, Kamada Y, Mineo I, Asano Y, Iwahashi H, Kozawa J, Shimomura I. Whole-exome Sequencing Analysis of a Japanese Patient With Hyperinsulinemia and Liver Dysfunction. J Endocr Soc. 2022;6:bvac008.
  6. Fujita S, Nishizawa H, Miyashita Y, Imada T, Yamaguchi T, Murano T, Bujo H, Asano Y, Kozawa J, Maeda N, Shimomura I. Genetic assessment using whole-exome sequencing for a young hypertriglyceridemic patient with repeated acute pancreatitis. Endocr J. 2022;69:1101-8.
  7. Gomes MB, Tang F, Chen H, Cid-Ruzafa J, Fenici P, Khunti K, Rathmann W, Shestakova MV, Surmont F, Watada H, Medina J, Shimomura I, Saraiva GL, Cooper A, Nicolucci A. Socioeconomic Factors Associated With Glycemic Measurement and Poor HbA1c Control in People With Type 2 Diabetes: The Global DISCOVER Study. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2022;13:831676.
  8. Grisotto G, Langton CR, Li Y, Bertone-Johnson ER, Baden MY, Franco OH, Hu FB, Muka T, Eliassen AH. Association of plant-based diet and early onset of natural menopause. Menopause. 2022;29:861-7.
  9. Horii t, Kozawa J, Fujita Y, Kawata S, Ozawa H, Ishibashi C, Yoneda S, Nammo T, Miyagawa J, Eguchi H, Shimomura I. Lipid droplet accumulation in β cells in patients with type 2 diabetes is associated with insulin resistance, hyperglycemia and β cell dysfunction involving decreased insulin granules. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2022;13:996716.
  10. Iioka M, Fukuda S, Maeda N, Natsukawa T, Kita S, Fujishima Y, Sawano H, Nishizawa H, Shimomura I. Time-Series Change of Serum Soluble T-Cadherin Concentrations and Its Association with Creatine Kinase-MB Levels in ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2022;29:1823-34.
  11. Katakami N, Mita T, Maeda N, Sato Y, Watada H, Shimomura I; UTOPIA Study Investigators. Evaluation of the effect of tofogliflozin on the tissue characteristics of the carotid wall-a sub-analysis of the UTOPIA trial.  Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2022;21:19.
  12. Kawada-Horitani E, Kita S, Okita T, Nakamura Y, Nishida H, Honma Y, Fukuda S, Tsugawa-Shimizu Y, Kozawa J, Sakaue TA, Kawachi Y, Fujishima Y, Nishizawa H, Azuma M, Maeda N, Shimomura I. Human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells prevent type 1 diabetes induced by immune checkpoint blockade. Diabetologia. 2022;65:1185-97.
  13. Kawasaki E, Shimada A, Imagawa A, Abiru N, Awata T, Oikawa Y, Osawa H, Kawabata Y, Kozawa J, Kobayashi T, Takahashi K, Chujo D, Fukui T, Miura J, Yasuda K, Yasuda H, Kajio H, Hanafusa T, Ikegami H; Committee of type 1 diabetes, Japan Diabetes Society. Comparing the clinical significance and antigen specificity of insulinoma-associated antigen-2 autoantibodies between radioimmunoassay and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in Japanese patients with type 1 diabetes. J Diabetes Investig. 2022;30:13910.
  14. Kita S, Shimomura I. Extracellular vesicles as an endocrine mechanism connecting distant cells. Molecules and Cells. 2022;45:771-80.
  15. Kobayashi M, Nezu Y, Itoh M, Uchida R, Arikawa T, Otsubo M, Nozaki Y, Tagawa R, Fujishima Y, Maeda N, Shimomura I, Higami Y. Individual evaluation of aging- and caloric restriction-related changes to distinct multimeric complexes of circulating adiponectin by immunoblotting. Exp Gerontol. 2022;164:111821.
  16. Kobayashi S, Kita S, Okuzaki D, Fujishima Y, Otsuki M, Kato H, Nishizawa Y, Miyashita K, Yokoyama C, Fukuhara A, Morii E, Shimomura I. Favine/CCDC3 deficiency accelerated atherosclerosis and thrombus formation is associated with decreased MEF2C-KLF2 pathway. iScience. 2022;25:105252.
  17. Kusunose K, Yoshida H, Tanaka A, Teragawa H, Akasaki Y, Fukumoto Y, Eguchi K, Kamiya H, Kario K, Yamada H, Sata M, Node K; PRIZE Study Investigators. Effect of febuxostat on left ventricular diastolic function in patients with asymptomatic hyperuricemia: a sub analysis of the PRIZE Study. Hypertens Res. 2022;45:106-15.
  18. Marutani N, Akamine S, Kanayama D, Gotoh S, Yanagida K, Maruyama R, Mori K, Miyamoto T, Adachi H, Sakagami Y, Yoshiyama K, Hotta M, Nagase A, Kozawa J, Maeda N, Otsuki M, Matsuoka T, Iwahashi H, Shimomura I, Murayama N, Watanabe H, Ikeda M, Mizuta I, Kudo T. Plasma NfL is associated with mild cognitive decline in patients with diabetes. Psychogeriatrics. 2022;22:353-9.
  19. Masuda T, Katakami N, Taya N, Miyashita K, Takahara M, Kato K, Kuroda A, Matsuhisa M, Shimomura I. Comparison of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion treatment and multiple daily injection treatment on the progression of diabetic complications in Japanese patients with juvenile-onset type 1 diabetes mellitus. J Diabetes Investig. 2022;13:1528-32.
  20. Minemura T, Fukuhara A, Otsuki M, Shimomura I. Lactate dehydrogenase regulates basal glucose uptake in adipocytes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2022;607:2-27.
  21. Mita T, Katakami N, Takahara M, Kawashima M, Wada F, Akiyama H, Morita N, Kidani Y, Yajima T, Shimomura I, Watada H.  Changes in treatment satisfaction over 3 years in patients with type 2 diabetes after initiating second-line treatment. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2022;107:2424-32.
  22. Mogi M, Higashi Y, Bokuda K, Ichihara A, Nagata D, Tanaka A, Node K, Nozato Y, Yamamoto K, Sugimoto K, Shibata H, Hoshide S, Nishizawa H, Kario K. Annual reports on hypertension research 2020. Hypertens Res. 2022;45:15-31.
  23. Motoda S, Watanabe N, Nakata S, Hayashi I, Komatsu R, Ishibashi C, Fujita S, Baden MY, Kimura T, Fujita Y, Tokunaga A, Takahara M, Fukui K, Iwahashi H, Kozawa J, Shimomura I. Motivation for Treatment Correlating Most Strongly with an Increase in Satisfaction with Type 2 Diabetes Treatment. Diabetes Ther. 2022;13:709-21. 
  24. Nicolucci A, Chen H, Cooper A, Fenici P, Gomes MB, Hammar N, Ji L, Khunti K, Kosiborod M, Medin J, Shestakova MV, Shimomura I, Tang F, Vora J, Watada H, Arnold SV; DISCOVER investigators. Quality of life in people with type 2 diabetes in the 3 years following initiation of second-line therapy: The DISCOVER study. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2022;185:109218.
  25. Niki A, Baden MY, Kato S, Mitsushio K, Horii T, Ozawa H, Ishibashi C, Fujita S, Kimura T, Fujita Y, Tokunaga A, Nammo T, Fukui K, Kozawa J, Shimomura I.  Consumption of two meals per day is associated with increased intrapancreatic fat deposition in patients with type 2 diabetes: a retrospective study. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2022;10:e002926.
  26. Nishitani S, Fukuhara A, Tomita I, Kume S, Shin J, Okuno Y, Otsuki M, Maegawa H, Shimomura I. Ketone body 3-hydroxybutyrate enhances adipocyte function.  Sci Rep. 2022;12:10080.
  27. Nishizawa H, Maeda N, Shimomura I. Impact of hyperuricemia on chronic kidney disease and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Hypertens Res. 2022;45:635-40.
  28. Noguchi M, Kinuta M, Sairenchi T, Yamakawa M, Koide K, Katsura S, Matsuo K, Omote S, Imano H, Nishizawa H, Shimomura I, Iso H, On Behalf Of The J-Harp Research Group. Relationship between Health Counselor Characteristics and Counseling Impact on Individuals at High-Risk for Lifestyle-Related Disease: Sub-Analysis of the J-HARP Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022;19:6375.
  29. Okita T, Kita S, Fukuda S, Fukuoka K, Kawada-Horitani E, Iioka M, Nakamura Y, Fujishima Y, Nishizawa H, Kawamori D, Matsuoka TA, Maeda N, Shimomura I. Soluble T-cadherin promotes pancreatic β-cell proliferation by upregulating Notch signaling. iScience. 2022;25:105404.
  30. Okuno Y, Fukuhara A, Otsuki M, Shimomura I. ARMC5-CUL3 E3 ligase targets full-length SREBF in adrenocortical tumors.  JCI Insight. 2022 ; 7 : e151390.
  31. Sasaki A, Yokote K, Naitoh T, Fujikura J, Hayashi K, Hirota Y, Inagaki N, Ishigaki Y, Kasama K, Kikkawa E, Koyama H, Masuzaki H, Miyatsuka T, Nozaki T, Ogawa W, Ohta M, Okazumi S, Shimabukuro M, Shimomura I, Nishizawa H, Saiki A, Seki Y, Shojima N, Tsujino M, Ugi S, Watada H, Yamauchi T, Yamaguchi T, Ueki K, Kadowaki T, Tatsuno I; Joint Committee in the Japanese Society for Treatment of Obesity, the Japan Diabetes Society, the Japan Society for the Study of Obesity. Metabolic surgery in treatment of obese Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes: a joint consensus statement from the Japanese Society for Treatment of Obesity, the Japan Diabetes Society, and the Japan Society for the Study of Obesity. Diabetol Int. 2021;13:1-30.
  32. Sakaue TA, Fujishima Y, Fukushima Y, Tsugawa-Shimizu Y, Fukuda S, Kita S, Nishizawa H, Ranscht B, Nishida K, Maeda N, Shimomura I. Adiponectin accumulation in the retinal vascular endothelium and its possible role in preventing early diabetic microvascular damage. Sci Rep. 2022;12:4159.
  33. Sakaue TA, Obata Y, Fujishima Y, Kozawa J, Otsuki M, Yamamoto T, Maeda N, Nishizawa H, Shimomura I. A Japanese patient with a 2p25.3 terminal deletion presented with early-onset obesity, intellectual disability, and diabetes mellitus; A case report. J Diabetes Investig. 2022;13:391-6.
  34. Sasaki S, Lee M, Wakabayashi Y, Suzuki L, Winata H, Himuro M, Matsuoka TA, Shimomura I, Watada H, Lynn FC, Miyatsuka T. Spatial and transcriptional heterogeneity of pancreatic beta-cell neogenesis revealed by a time-resolved reporter system. Diabetologia. 2022;65:811-828.
  35. Shin J, Toyoda S, Fukuhara A, Shimomura I. GRP78, a Novel Host Factor for SARS-CoV-2: The Emerging Roles in COVID-19 Related to Metabolic Risk Factors.  Biomedicines. 2022;10:1995.
  36. Shin J, Toyoda S, Nishitani S, Onodera T, Fukuda S, Kita S, Fukuhara A, Shimomura I. SARS-CoV-2 infection impairs the insulin/IGF signaling pathway in the lung, liver, adipose tissue, and pancreatic cells via IRF1. Metabolism. 2022;133:155236.
  37. Takahara M, Iida O, Soga Y, Azuma N, Nanto S. Clinical Impact of Measures for Frailty Severity in Poor-Risk Patients Undergoing Revascularization for Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2022;29:221-8.
  38. Takahara M, Iida O, Soga Y, Kodama A, Terashi H, Azuma N. Features of asymptomatic contralateral limb in patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia. J Cardiol. 2022;79:153-60.
  39. Takahara M, Iida O, Tazaki J, Nishikawa R, Nanto K, Chiba Y, Sakamoto K, Kinoshita M, Takahashi N, Kamihira S, Yamaoka T, Higami H, Nakane T, Ohmine T, Guntani A. Clinical features and prognosis of patients with and without diabetes mellitus undergoing endovascular aortic aneurysm repair. BMC Endocr Disord. 2022;22:92.
  40. Takahara M, Katakami N, Hayashino Y, Nishimura R, Suzuki H, Shimano H, Yoshioka N, Tajima N, Yamasaki Y. Different impacts of metabolic profiles on future risk of cardiovascular disease between diabetes with and without established cardiovascular disease: the Japan diabetes complication and its prevention prospective study 7 (JDCP study 7). Acta Diabetol. 2022;59:57-65.
  41. Takahara M, Katakami N, Hayashino Y, Nishimura R, Suzuki H, Shimano H, Yoshioka N, Tajima N, Yamasaki Y: Japan Diabetes Complication and its Prevention prospective (JDCP) study Diabetic Macroangiopathy working group. Correction to: Different impact of metabolic profiles on future risk of cardiovascular disease between diabetes with and without established cardiovascular disease: The Japan Diabetes Complication and its Prevention prospective study 7 (JDCP study 7). Acta Diabetol.  2022;59:67-68.
  42. Takahara M, Mita T, Katakami N, Wada F, Morita N, Kidani Y, Yajima T, Shimomura I, Watada H, J-DISCOVER study group. Three-Year Glycaemic Control and Management in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Initiating Second-Line Treatment in Japan: A Prospective Observational Study, J-DISCOVER. Diabetes Ther. 2022;13:251-64.
  43. Takahara M, Shiraiwa T, Maeno Y, Yamamoto K, Shiraiwa Y, Yoshida Y, Nishida N, Katakami N, Shimomura I. Screening for a Decreased Masticatory Function by a Color-changeable Chewing Gum Test in Patients with Metabolic Disease. Intern Med. 2022;61:781-7.
  44. Takahara M, Shiraiwa T, Maeno Y, Yamamoto K, Shiraiwa Y, Yoshida Y, Nishioka N, Katakami N, Shimomura I. Improvement of beta-cell function in conjunction with glycemic control after medical nutrition therapy in newly-diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus. BMC Endocr Disord. 2022;22:150.
  45. Takahara M, Soga Y, Fujihara M, Kawasaki D, Kozuki A, Iida O. Association of Age with Mortality Rate after Femoropopliteal Endovascular Therapy for Intermittent Claudication. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2022;29:474-81.
  46. Takahara M, Watanabe H, Shiraiwa T, Maeno Y, Yamamoto K, Shiraiwa Y, Yoshida Y, Nishioka N, Katakami N, Shimomura I. Lifestyle changes and their impact on glycemic control and weight control in patients with diabetes during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic in Japan. J Diabetes Investig. 2022;13:375-85.
  47. Tokutsu A, Okada Y, Mita T, Torimoto K, Wakasugi S, Katakami N, Yoshii H, Uryu K, Nishida K, Arao T, Tanaka Y, Gosho M, Shimomura I, Watada H. Relationship between blood glucose variability in ambulatory glucose profile and standardized continuous glucose monitoring metrics; sub-analysis of prospective cohort study.  Diabetes, Obes Metab. 2022;24:82-93.
  48. Toyoda S, Shin J, Fukuhara A, Otsuki M, Shimomura I. Transforming Growth Factor β1 signaling links extracellular matrix remodeling to intracellular lipogenesis upon physiological feeding events. J Biol Chem. 2022;298:101748.
  49. Wang F, Baden MY, Hu FB. Branding foods as 'healthy' or 'unhealthy' based on marginal data calls findings into question. Reply to Kanter M [letter]. Diabetologia. 2022;65:1753-4.
  50. Watanabe H, Takahara M, Katakami N, Kanamoto T, Nakata K, Shimomura I. Acute effects of whole body vibration exercise on post-load glucose metabolism in healthy men: a pilot randomized crossover trial. Endocrine. 2022;75:752-9.
  51. Yoshii H, Mita T, Katakami N, Okada Y, Osonoi T, Aso K, Kurozumi A, Wakasugi S, Sato F, Ishii R, Gosho M, Shimomura I, Watada H. The importance of continuous glucose monitoring-derived metrics beyond HbA1c for optimal individualized glycemic control.  J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2022;107:e3990-e4003.
  52. Yoon JS, Sasaki S, Velghe J, Lee MYY, Winata H, Nian C, Lynn FC. Calcium-dependent transcriptional changes in human pancreatic islet cells reveal functional diversity in islet cell subtypes. Diabetologia. 2022;65:1519-33.
  53. Yoshimura S, Tanaka H, Kawabata S, Kozawa J, Takahashi H, Hidaka Y, Hotta M, Kashiwagi N, Tomiyama N. Effect of urinary glucose concentration and pH on signal intensity in magnetic resonance images. Jpn J Radiol. 2022;40:930-8.


  1. 喜多俊文:脂肪細胞由来non-coding RNA, エクソソームと糖尿病 月刊糖尿病 2022;14:56-63.
  2. 前田法一:メタボリックシンドローム 今日の治療指針 2022年版 2022;64:771-3.
  3. 前田法一:アディポネクチン 日本臨床生理学会雑誌 2022;52:121-7.
  4. 西澤 均:メタボリックシンドローム対策・予防のコンセプト 日本未病学会雑誌2022;28:81-6.
  5. 西澤 均:内分泌・代謝専門医にQuestion「糖尿病患者における脂質異常や高血圧の合併についてどのようなタイミング・どのような順番で治療介入すべきかをお教えください」 循環器診療コンプリート 虚血性心疾患 2022:38.
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  7. 西澤 均、下村伊一郎:メタボリックシンドローム 内科学 第12版 2022;Ⅳ:442-3.
  8. 長井直子、西澤 均:糖尿病の食事療法「個別化に向けての取り組み」-エネルギー摂取量- 糖尿病プラクティス 2022;39:72-4.
  9. 長井直子、西澤 均:糖尿病の食事療法「個別化に向けての取り組み」-炭水化物エネルギー比率- 糖尿病プラクティス 2022;39:197-200.
  10. 長井直子、西澤 均:糖尿病の食事療法「個別化に向けての取り組み」-栄養食事指導-糖尿病プラクティス 2022;39:318-22.
  11. 片上直人:III章 糖尿病の合併症と併存症「糖尿病大血管症UPDATE」 日本臨牀 「特集:糖尿病診療 update -診断・治療の最新動向」 2022;80:663-9.
  12. 河盛 段:特集「生理活性ペプチド」各論5「グルカゴンに関する新知見と臨床応用」BIO Clinica 2022;37:336-40.
  13. 小澤純二、下村伊一郎:NAFLD合併糖尿病の薬物治療(糖尿病薬) 糖尿病・内分泌代謝科 2022;55:452-59.
  14. 徳永あゆみ:事故調査結果報告書の作成と組織対応 公益財団法人日本医療機能評価機構 認定病院患者安全推進協議会 患者安全ジャーナル別冊 医療安全管理者のための実務ガイドブック 2022:80-4.
  15. 髙原充佳:糖尿病医の視点から見た末梢動脈疾患の全身因子 脈管学 2022;62:79-82.
  16. 髙原充佳:臨床医のための統計解析 糖尿病と妊娠 2022;22:S60-1.
  17. 米田 祥,  今川彰久:劇症1型糖尿病研究 UPDATE─irAEも含めて 医学のあゆみ2022;281:684-94 出版社: 医歯薬出版株式会社.
  18. 佐々木周伍、河盛 段:TOPICS「新規糖尿病治療薬チルゼパチドのエッセンス」 DITN 2022;496:7.
  19. 西谷重紀、福原淳範、下村伊一郎:ケトン体による脂肪細胞機能制御 The Lipid 2022; 33:26-32.
  20. 田矢直大、片上直人:2型糖尿病患者における持続血糖測定で評価した血糖変動と頸動脈の内膜中膜複合体肥厚度および超音波組織性状との関連 Calm 2022;9:86-92.
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  22. ガイドライン作成委員会:小川 渉、山内 敏正、石垣 泰、小川 佳宏、加隈 哲地、佐野 喜孑、下村 伊一郎、庄嶋 伸浩、龍野 一郎、津下 一代、中村 正、野口 緑、原 光彦、益崎 裕章、松久 宗英、横手 幸太郎、脇 昌子
    分担執筆者:浅原 哲子、荒木 厚、池田 奈由、石井 好二郎、石垣 泰、伊東 宏晃、稲垣 恭子、入江 潤一郎、植木 浩二郎、上野 浩晶、薄井 勲、大塚 礼、岡田 随象、小川 渉、小澤 純二、小野 啓、加隈 哲也、鎌田 佳宏、窪田 直人、齋木 厚人、斎藤 重幸、佐々木 章、佐野 喜子、島袋 充生、鈴木 亮、杉本 研、杉山 隆、高原 充佳、田中 智洋、竹本 稔、田村 嘉章、戸邉 一之、中川 匠、西澤 均、西 信雄、野口 緑、長谷川 陽子、林 果林、原 光彦、福田 士郎、福原 淳範、藤岡 由夫、藤島裕也、前田 法一、益崎 裕章、松田 やよい、松久 宗英、宮澤 崇、宮崎 滋、宮本 恵宏、八谷 寛、山内 敏正、山田 哲也、横手 幸太郎、渡邉 至、和田 淳 日本肥満学会:肥満症診療ガイドライン2022

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  1. 第29回垂井清一郎症例研究賞:米田祥「免疫チェックポイント阻害薬投与後発症1型糖尿病患者膵における膵島へのTリンパ球浸潤」
  2. 第12回NPO法人日本ホルモンステーション臨床医学研究塾CIA賞:福田士郎「Identification and Clinical Associations of 3 Forms of Circulating T-cadherin in Human Serum」
  3. 第94回日本内分泌学会学術総会若手研究奨励賞(YIA):向井康祐「経口ブドウ糖・TRH負荷による先端巨大症の個別化医療の可能性」
  4. 第11回日本糖尿病学会若手研究奨励賞(YIA):清水有理「アディポネクチンのT-cadherinを介した血管周皮細胞への集積と腎保護作用」


  1. Araki E, Tanaka A, Inagaki N, Ito H, Ueki K, Murohara T, Imai K, Sata M, Sugiyama T, Ishii H, Yamane S, Kadowaki T, Komuro I, Node K; directors of the JCS, JDS. Diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of cardiovascular diseases in people with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes: a consensus statement jointly from the Japanese Circulation Society and the Japan Diabetes Society. Diabetol Int. 2020;12:1-51.
  2. Arnold SV, Khunti K, Bonnet F, Charbonnel B, Chen H, Cid-Ruzafa J, Cooper A, Fenici P, Gomes MB, Hammar N, Ji L, Luporini-Saraiva G, Medina J, Nicolucci A, Ramirez L, Shestakova MV, Shimomura I, Surmont F, Tang F, Vora J, Watada H, Kosiborod M; DISCOVER investigators. Type 2 diabetes and heart failure: insights from the global DISCOVER study. ESC Heart Fail. 2021;8:1711-6.
  3. Baden MY, Shan Z, Wang F, Li Y, Manson JE, Rimm EB, Willett WC, Hu FB, Rexrode KM. Quality of Plant-Based Diet and Risk of Total, Ischemic, and Hemorrhagic Stroke. Neurology. 2021;96:e1940-53.
  4. Bongaerts B, Arnold SV, Charbonnel BH, Chen H, Cooper A, Fenici P, Gomes M, Ji L, Khunti K, Kosiborod M, Medina J, Nicolucci A, Shestakova M, Shimomura I, Tang F, Watada H, Rathmann W. Inappropriate intensification of glucose-lowering treatment in older patients with type 2 diabetes: the global DISCOVER study. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2021;9:e001585.
  5. Bonnet F, Chen H, Cooper A, Gomes MB, Ji L, Leigh P, Ramirez L, Shestakova MV, Shimomura I, Siddiqui A, Tang F, Vora J, Watada H, Khunti K. What are the factors associated with long-term glycaemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes and elevated glycated haemoglobin (≥7.0%) at initiation of second-line therapy? Results from the DISCOVER study. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2021;23:2336-43.
  6. Davies M, Færch L, Jeppesen OK, Pakseresht A, Pedersen SD, Perreault L, Rosenstock J, Shimomura I, Viljoen A, Wadden TA, Lingvay I; STEP 2 Study Group. Semaglutide 2·4 mg once a week in adults with overweight or obesity, and type 2 diabetes (STEP 2): a randomised, double-blind, double-dummy, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial. Lancet. 2021;397:1514-35.
  7. Fukuda S, Kita S, Miyashita K, Iioka M, Murai J, Nakamura T, Nishizawa H, Fujishima Y, Morinaga J, Oike Y, Maeda N, Shimomura I. Identification and clinical associations of three forms of circulating T-cadherin in human serum. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2021;106:1333-44.
  8. Fujita Y, Kozawa J, Fukui K, Iwahashi H, Eguchi H, Shimomura I. Increased NKX6.1 expression and decreased ARX expression in alpha cells accompany reduced beta-cell volume in human subjects. Sci Rep. 2021;11:17790.
  9. Hata S, Mori H, Yasuda T, Irie Y, Yamamoto T, Umayahara Y, Ryomoto K, Yoshiuchi K, Yoshida S, Shimomura I, Kuroda A, Matsuhisa M. A low serum IGF-1 is correlated with sarcopenia in subjects with type 1 diabetes mellitus: Findings from a post-hoc analysis of the iDIAMOND study. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2021;179:108998.
  10. Hayakawa T, Fukuhara A, Saiki A, Otsuki M, Shimomura I. γENaC/CD9 in urinary extracellular vesicles as a potential biomarker of MR activity. J Endocrinol. 2021;252:81-90.
  11. Horii T, Kozawa J, Fujita S, Hosokawa Y, Kimura T, Fujita Y,  Tokunaga A, Fukui K, Shimomura I. Amelioration of pancreatic fat accumulation in Japanese type 2 diabetes patients treated with sodium‐glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors: a retrospective study. Obes Sci Pract. 2021;7:346-52.
  12. Iwabu M, Yamauchi T, Shimomura I, Eguchi K, Ogawa Y. Perceptions, attitudes and barriers to obesity management: Japanese data from the ACTION-IO study. J Diabetes Investig. 2021;12:845-58.
  13. Kawagishi S, Funaki S, Ose N, Kimura K, Mukai K, Otsuki M, Shintani Y. Debulking surgery for functional pleural dissemination of parathyroid carcinoma-case report. J Cardiothorac Surg. 2021;16:86.
  14. Katakami N, Mita T, Yoshii H, Shiraiwa T, Yasuda T, Okada Y, Torimoto K, Umayahara U, Kaneto H, Osonoi T, Yamamoto T, Kuribayashi N, Maeda K, Yokoyama H, Kosugi K, Ohtoshi K, Hayashi I, Sumitani S, Tsugawa M, Ryomoto K, Taki H, Nakamura T, Kawashima S, Sato S, Watada h, Shimomura I, on behalf of the UTOPIA study investigators. Effect of tofogliflozin on arterial stiffness in patients with type 2 diabetes: prespecified sub-analysis of the Prospective, Randomized, Open-label, Parallel-group Comparative UTOPIA trial. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2021;20:4.
  15. Katakami N, Mita T, Yoshii H, Shiraiwa T, Yasuda T, Okada Y, Torimoto K, Umayahara U, Kaneto H, Osonoi T, Yamamoto T, Kuribayashi N, Maeda K, Yokoyama H, Kosugi K, Ohtoshi K, Hayashi I, Sumitani S, Tsugawa M, Ryomoto K, Taki H, Nakamura T, Kawashima S, Sato S, Watada h, Shimomura I, on behalf of the UTOPIA study investigators. The Influence of Tofogliflozin on Treatment-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes Therapy. 2021;12:2499-515.
  16. Katsuno T, Shiraiwa T, Iwasaki S, Park H, Watanabe N, Kaneko S, Terasaki J, Hanafusa T, Imagawa A, Shimomura I, Ikegami H, Koyama H, Namba M, Miyagawa JI; TRUST2 study group. Benefit of Early Add-on of Linagliptin to Insulin in Japanese Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Randomized-Controlled Open-Label Trial (TRUST2). Adv Ther. 2021;38:1514-35.
  17. Kawachi Y, Fujishima Y, Nishizawa H, Nagao H, Nakamura T, Akari S, Murase T, Taya N, Omori K, Miyake A, Fukuda S, Takahara M, Kita S, Katakami N, Maeda N, Shimomura I. Plasma xanthine oxidoreductase activity in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes across hospitalized treatment. J Diabetes Inbestig. 2021;12:1512-20.
  18. Kawachi Y, Fujishima Y, Nishizawa H, Nakamura T, Araki S, Murase T, Saito T, Miyazaki Y, Nagao H, Fukuda S, Kita S, Katakami N, Doki Y, Maeda N, Shimomura I. Increased plasma XOR activity induced by NAFLD/NASH and its possible involvement in vascular neointimal proliferation. JCI insight. 2021;6:144762.
  19. Khunti K, Charbonnel B, Chen H, Cherney DZ, Cooper A, Fenici P, Gomes MB, Hammar N, Heerspink HJL, Ji L, Medina J, Nicolucci A, Ramirez L, Rathmann W, Shestakova MV, Shimomura I, Tang F, Watada H, Kosiborod M; DISCOVER Investigators. Prevalence and progression of chronic kidney disease among patients with type 2 diabetes: Insights from the DISCOVER study. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2021;23:1956-60.
  20. Kita S, Shimomura I. JB Special Review - Stimulation of exosome biogenesis by adiponectin, a circulating factor secreted from adipocytes. J Biochem. 2021;161:173-9.
  21. Kozawa J, Shimomura I. Ectopic Fat Accumulation in Pancreas and Heart. J Clin Med. 2021;10:1326.
  22. Miyata Y, Hatano K, Okuno Y, Ujike T, Fukuhara S, Uemura M, Kiuchi H, Imamura R, Otsuki M, Nonomura N. Laparoscopic resection of aortocaval paraganglioma diagnosed by serial increase in urinary metanephrines after bilateral adrenalectomy in a patient with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A. IJU Case Rep. 2021;4:347-50.
  23. Mori H, Kuroda A, Yoshida S, Yasuda T, Umayahara Y, Shimizu S, Ryomoto K, Yoshiuchi K, Yamamoto T, Matsuoka TA, Shimomura I, Matsuhisa M. High prevalence and clinical impact of dynapenia and sarcopenia in Japanese patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes: Findings from the Impact of Diabetes Mellitus on Dynapenia study. J Diabetes Investig. 2021;12:1050-9.
  24. Nagai Y, Matsuoka TA, Shimo N, Miyatsuka T, Miyazaki S, Tashiro F, Miyazaki JI, Katakami N, Shimomura I. Glucotoxicity-induced suppression of Cox6a2 expression provokes β-cell dysfunction via augmented ROS production. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2021;556:131-41. 
  25. Nicolucci A, Chen H, Cid-Ruzafa J, Cooper A, Fenici P, Gomes MB, Hammar N, Khunti K, Kosiborod M, Leigh P, Medin J, Rathmann W, Shestakova MV, Shimomura I, Siddiqui A, Tang F, Watada H, Ji L; DISCOVER investigators. Health-related quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes initiating a second-line glucose-lowering therapy: The DISCOVER study. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2021;180:108974.
  26. Ninomiya H, Katakami N*, Takahara M, Matsuoka TA, Shimomura I. Psychosocial conditions and the progression of diabetic nephropathy in Japanese with type 2 diabetes mellitus.  Diabetology International. 2021;12:336-41.
  27. Nishimoto K, Umakoshi H, Seki T, Yasuda M, Araki R, Otsuki M, Katabami T, Shibata H, Ogawa Y, Wada N, Sone M, Okamura S, Izawa S, Miyauchi S, Yoshimoto T, Tsuiki M, Naruse M; JRAS Study Group. Diverse pathological lesions of primary aldosteronism and their clinical significance. Hypertens Res. 2021;44:498-507.
  28. Okuno Y, Kawata S, Shimizu Y, Mukai K, Otsuki M, Shimomura I. Oral Contraceptive Disturbed the Recovery of the Adrenal Function after Adrenalectomy in Cushing Syndrome. Intern Med. 2021;60:901-3.
  29. Okuro K, Fukuhara A, Minemura T, Hayakawa T, Nishitani S, Okuno Y, Otsuki M, Shimomura I. Glutamine deficiency induces lipolysis in adipocytes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2021;585:155-61.
  30. Oshino S, Saitoh Y, Kinoshita M, Mukai K, Otsuki M, Kishima H. Characteristics of non-functioning pituitary adenomas that cause secondary adrenal insufficiency. World Neurosurg. 2021;153:e275-81.
  31. Ozawa H, Fukui K, Komukai S, Y Baden M, Fujita S, Fujita Y, Kimura T, Tokunaga A, Iwahashi H, Kozawa J, Shimomura I. Maximum body mass index before onset of type 2 diabetes is independently associated with advanced diabetic complications. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2021;9:e002466.
  32. Patel KK, Gomes MB, Charbonnel B, Chen H, Cid-Ruzafa J, Fenici P, Hammar N, Ji L, Kennedy KF, Khunti K, Kosiborod M, Pocock S, Shestakova MV, Shimomura I, Surmont F, Watada H, Arnold SV. Global patterns of comprehensive cardiovascular risk factor control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: Insights from the DISCOVER study. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2021;23:39-48.
  33. Saiki A, Otsuki M, Tamada D, Kitamura T, Mukai K, Yamamoto K, Shimomura I. Increased dosage of MRA improves BP and urinary albumin excretion in primary aldosteronism with suppressed plasma renin. J Endocr Soc. 2021;6:bvab174.
  34. Sakanaka A, Kuboniwa M, Katakami N, Furuno M, Nishizawa H, Omori K, Taya N, Ishikawa A, Mayumi S, Tanaka-Isomura E, Shimomura I, Fukusaki E, Amano A. Saliva and Plasma Reflect Metabolism Altered by Diabetes and Periodontitis. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. 2021;8:742002.
  35. Sakaue T, Okuno Y, Mukai K, Fujita S, Kozawa J, Nishizawa H, Matsuoka TA, Iwahashi H, Norikazu M, Yamazaki Y, Sasano H, Otsuki M, Shimomura I. Coincidence of Large Adrenal Cyst and Prominent Hyporeninemic Hyperaldosteronism. Case Rep Endocrinol. 2021;20:8860498.
  36. Shikama M, Sonoda N, Morimoto A, Suga S, Tajima T, Kozawa J, Maeda N, Otsuki M, Matsuoka TA, Shimomura I, Ohno Y. Association of abdominal obesity with crossing capillaries in the finger nailfold in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetol Int. 2021;12:260-7.
  37. Shikama M, Sonoda N, Morimoto A, Suga S, Tajima T, Kozawa J, Maeda N, Otsuki M, Matsuoka TA, Shimomura I, Ohno Y. Association of crossing capillaries in the finger nailfold with diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Diabetes Investig. 2021;12:1007-14.
  38. Shin J, Toyoda S, Nishitani S, Fukuhara A, Kita S, Otsuki M, Shimomura I. Possible involvement of adipose tissue in patients with older age, obesity, and diabetes with Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19) via GRP78 (BIP/HSPA5): significance of hyperinsulinemia management in COVID-19. Diabetes. 2021;70:2745-55.
  39. Takahara M. Diabetes Mellitus and Lower Extremity Peripheral Artery Disease. JMA J. 2021;4:225-31.
  40. Takahara M. When diabetes encounters chronic limb-threatening ischemia: Sweet life with a foot left behind? J Diabetes Complications. 2021;35:107801.
  41. Takahara M, Iida O, Soga Y, Kodama A, Terashi H and Azuma N. Impact of homocysteine levels on mortality risk in patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia undergoing revascularization. Heart Vessels. 2021;36:1825-9.
  42. Takahara M, Iida O, Soga Y, Kodama A, Terashi H, Azuma N and investigators. Current and Past Obesity in Japanese Patients with Critical Limb Ischemia Undergoing Revascularization. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2021;28:44-51.
  43. Takahara M, Shiraiwa T, Maeno Y, Yamamoto K, Shiraiwa Y, Yoshida Y, Nishioka N, Katakami N, Matsuoka TA, Shimomura I. Association of obesity, diabetes, and physical frailty with dental and tongue-lip motor dysfunctions in patients with metabolic disease. Obes Res Clin Pract. 2021;15: 243-8.
  44. Takahara M, Shiraiwa T, Maeno Y, Yamamoto K, Shiraiwa Y, Yoshida Y, Nishioka N, Katakami N, Matsuoka TA and Shimomura I. Association of obesity, diabetes, and physical frailty with dental and tongue-lip motor dysfunctions in patients with metabolic disease. Obes Res Clin Pract. 2021;15:243-8.
  45. Taya N, Katakami N, Mita T, Okada Y, Wakasugi S, Yoshii H, Shiraiwa T, Otsuka A, Umayahara Y, Ryomoto K, Hatazaki M, Yasuda T, Yamamoto T, Gosho M, Shimomura I, Watada H. Associations of continuous glucose monitoring-assessed glucose variability with intima-media thickness and ultrasonic tissue characteristics of the carotid arteries: a cross-sectional analysis in patients with type 2 diabetes. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2021;20:95.
  46. Taya N, Katakami N, Omori K, Arakawa S, Hosoe S, Watanabe H, Takahara M, Miyashita K, Nishizawa H, Matsuoka TA, Furuno M, Bamba T, Iida J, Fukusaki E, Shimomura I. Evaluation of change in metabolome caused by comprehensive diabetes treatment: A prospective observational study of diabetes inpatients with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry-based non-target metabolomic analysis. J diabetes Investig. 2021;12:2232-41.
  47. Tsugawa-Shimizu Y, Fujishima Y, Kita S, Minami S, Sakaue TA, Nakamura Y, Okita T,  Kawachi Y, Fukuda S, Namba-Hamano T, Takabatake Y, Isaka Y, Nishizawa H, Ranscht B, Maeda N, Shimomura I. Increased vascular permeability and severe renal tubular damage after ischemia-reperfusion injury in mice lacking adiponectin or T-cadherin. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2021;320:E179-90.
  48. Ueki K, Tanizawa Y, Nakamura J, Yamada Y, Inagaki N, Watada H, Shimomura I, Nishimura R, Miyoshi H, Abiko A, Katagiri H, Hayashi M, Shimada A, Naruse K, Fujimoto S, Fujiwara M, Shikata K, Okada Y, Araki E, Yamazaki T, Kadowaki T; J-BRAND Registry Group. Long-term safety and efficacy of alogliptin, a DPP-4 inhibitor, in patients with type 2 diabetes: a 3-year prospective, controlled, observational study (J-BRAND Registry). BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2021;9:e001787.
  49. Wakasugi S, Mita T, Katakami N, Okada Y, Yoshii Y, Osonoi T, Kuribayashi N, Taneda Y, Kojima Y, Gosho M, Shimomura I, Watada H. Associations Between Continuous Glucose Monitoring-derived Metrics and Arterial Stiffness in Japanese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2021;20:15.
  50. Wakasugi S, Mita T, Katakami N, Okada Y, Yoshii Y, Osonoi T, Nishida K, Shiraiwa T, Torimoto K, Kurozumi A, Gosho M, Shimomura I, Watada H. Associations between continuous glucose monitoring-derived metrics and diabetic retinopathy and albuminuria in patients with type 2 diabetes. BMJ Open diabetes Res Care. 2021;9:e001923.
  51. Watanabe H, Takahara M, Katakami N, Matsuoka TA, Shimomura I. Glycemic control of people with diabetes over months after the 2018 North Osaka Earthquake. Diabetol Int. 2021;12:80-6.
  52. Watanabe H, Takahara M, Katakami N, Matsuoka TA, Shimomura I. Preoperative fundus examination in patients with diabetes scheduled for surgery. J Diabetes Investig. 2021;12:1508-11.
  53. Watanabe H, Takahara M, Katakami N, Shimomura I.  Letter to the Editor from Watanabe: "Long-term Glycemic Variability and Vascular Complications in Type 2 Diabetes: Post Hoc Analysis of the FIELD Study". J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2021;106:e2376-7.


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  1. 日本内分泌病理学会亀谷賞:大月道夫「クッシング症候群の病態に関する研究」
  2. 2020年度日本医師会医学研究奨励賞:髙原充佳「下肢末梢動脈疾患と冠動脈疾患における心血管リスク管理の比較検討」
  3. 臨床医学研究塾Clinical Investigator Award 2020:林令子「Glucocorticoid Replacement Affects Serum Adiponectin Levels and HDL-C in Patients With Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency」
  4. 第40回小澤修三賞:林令子「脂肪細胞グルココルチコイド受容体を欠損すると、クッシングシンドロームにおいて健康的な脂肪細胞肥大が誘導される」
  5. 第40回小澤修三賞:早川友朗「食餌誘導性肥満における脂肪細胞ミネラロコルチコイド受容体の作用」
  6. 第93回日本内分泌学会若手研究奨励賞(YIA):中村勇斗「幹細胞治療におけるアディポネクチン/T-カドヘリンの意義」


  1. Akamine S, Marutani N, Kanayama D, Gotoh S, Maruyama R, Yanagida K, Sakagami Y, Mori K, Adachi H, Kozawa J, Maeda N, Otsuki M, Matsuoka T, Iwahashi H, Shimomura I, Ikeda M, Kudo T. Renal function is associated with blood neurofilament light chain level in older adults. Sci Rep.  2020;10:20350.
  2. Fujii Y, Takeda Y, Kurihara I, Itoh H, Katabami T, Ichijo T, Wada N, Shibayama Y, Yoshimoto T, Ogawa Y, Kawashima J, Sone M, Inagaki N, Takahashi K, Watanabe M, Matsuda Y, Kobayashi H, Shibata H, Kamemura K, Otsuki M, Yamamto K, Ogo A, Yanase T, Okamura S, Miyauchi S, Fujita M, Suzuki T, Umakoshi H, Ogasawara T, Tsuiki M, Naruse M; JPAS Study Group. Historical changes and between-facility differences in adrenal venous sampling for primary aldosteronism in Japan. J Hum Hypertens. 2020;34:34-42.
  3. Fukano H, Takano T, Fujimoto Y, Nakatani R, Watanabe M, Hidaka Y, Shimomura I. In tube immunocytochemistry for fluorescence-activated cell sorting that prevents RNA degradation in sorted cells. Biotech Histochem. 2020;95:1-7.
  4. Horii T, Fujita Y, Ishibashi C, Fukui K, Eguchi H, Kozawa J, Shimomura I. Islet inflammation is associated with pancreatic fatty infiltration and hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes.BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2020;8:e001508.
  5. Ishibashi C, Kozawa J, Hosakawa Y, Yoneda S, Kimura T, Fujita Y, Fukui K, Iwahashi H, Shimomura I. Pancreatic fat is related to the longitudinal decrease in the increment of C-peptide in glucagon stimulation test in type 2 diabetes patients. J Diabetes Investig. 2020;11:80-7.
  6. Katakami N, Mita T, Takahara M, Yajima T, Wada F, Kawashima M, Shimomura I, Watada H, J-Discover Study Group. Baseline characteristics of patients with type 2 diabetes initiating second-line treatment in Japan: Findings from the J-DISCOVER Study. Diabetes Therapy. 2020;11:1563-78.
  7. Katakami N, Mita T, Yoshii H, Shiraiwa T, Yasuda T, Okada Y, Torimoto K, Umayahara U, Kaneto H, Osonoi T, Yamamoto T, Kuribayashi N, Maeda K, Yokoyama H, Kosugi K, Ohtoshi K, Hayashi I, Sumitani S, Tsugawa M, Ryomoto K, Taki H, Nakamura T, Kawashima S, Sato S, Watada h, Shimomura I, on behalf of the UTOPIA study investigators. Tofogliflozin does not delay progression of carotid atherosclerosis in patients with type 2 diabetes: A prospective, randomized, open-label, parallel-group comparative study. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2020;19:110.
  8. Katakami N, Omori K, Taya N, Arakawa S, Takahara M, Matsuoka TA, Tsugawa H, Furuno M, Bamba T, Fukusaki E, Shimomura I. Plasma metabolites associated with arterial stiffness in patients with type 2 diabetes. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2020;19:75.
  9. Kawamori D, Katakami N, Takahara M, Miyashita K, Takebe S, Yasuda T, Matsuoka TA, Shimomura I. Consistency of plasma glucagon levels in patients with type 1 diabetes after a one-year period. J Diabetes Investig. 2020;11:337-40.
  10. Kawamori D. The beginning of a new era in glucagon research; breakthrough by the new glucagon assay. J Diabetes Investig. 2020;11:1123-5.
  11. Khunti K, Chen H, Cid-Ruzafa J, Fenici P, Gomes MB, Hammar N, Ji L, Kosiborod M, Pocock S, Shestakova MV, Shimomura I, Tang F, Watada H, Nicolucci A; DISCOVER investigators. Glycaemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes initiating second-line therapy: Results from the global DISCOVER study programme. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2020;22:66-78.
  12. Khunti K, Gomes MB, Kosiborod M, Nicolucci A, Pocock S, Rathmann W, Shestakova MV, Shimomura I, Watada H, Chen H, Cid-Ruzafa J, Fenici P, Hammar N, Tang F, Ji L; DISCOVER Scientific Committee and all DISCOVER investigators. Metformin discontinuation in patients beginning second-line glucose-lowering therapy: results from the global observational DISCOVER study programme. BMJ Open. 2020;10:e034613.
  13. Kobayashi S, Tanigawa J, Kondo H, Nabatame S, Maruoka A, Sho H, Tanikawa K, Inui R, Otsuki M, Shimomura I, Ozono K, Hashimoto K. Endocrinological features of Hartsfield syndrome in an adult patient with a novel mutation of FGFR1. J Endocr Soc. 2020;4:bvaa041.
  14. Maeda N, Funahashi T, Matsuzawa Y, Shimomura I. Adiponectin, a unique adipocyte-derived factor beyond hormones. Atherosclerosis. 2020;292:1-9.
  15. Nakamura Y, Kita S, Tanaka Y, Fukuda S, Obata Y, Okita T, Kawachi Y, Tsugawa-Shimizu Y, Fujishima Y, Nishizawa H, Miyagawa S, Sawa Y, Sehara-Fujisawa A, Maeda N, Shimomura I. A disintegrin and Metalloproteinase 12 prevents heart failure by regulating cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2020;318:H238-51.
  16. Nakamura Y, Kita S, Tanaka Y, Fukuda S, Obata Y, Okita T, Nishida H, Takahashi Y, Kawachi Y, Tsugawa-Shimizu Y, Fujishima Y, Nishizawa H, Takakura Y, Miyagawa S, Sawa Y, Maeda N, Shimomura I. Adiponectin stimulates exosome release to enhance mesenchymal stem-cell-driven therapy of heart failure in mice. Mol Ther. 2020;28:2203-19.
  17. Noguchi M, Kojima S, Sairenchi T, Kinuta M, Yamakawa M, Nishizawa H, Takahara M, Imano H, Kitamura A, Yoshida T, Shintani A, Saito I, Yokoyama T, Shimomura I, Iso H. Japan trial in high-risk individuals to enhance their referral to physicians (J-HARP)-A nurse-Led, community-based prevention program of lifestyle-related disease. J Epidemiol. 2020;30:194-9.
  18. Ohno Y, Sone M, Inagaki N, Kawashima A, Takeda Y, Yoneda T, Kurihara I, Itoh H, Tsuiki M, Ichijo T, Katabami T, Wada N, Sakamoto R, Ogawa Y, Yoshimoto T, Yamada T, Kawashima J, Matsuda Y, Kobayashi H, Kamemura K, Yamamoto K, Otsuki M, Okamura S, Izawa S, Okamoto R, Tamura K, Tanabe A, Naruse M; JPAS/JRAS Study Group. Nadir aldosterone levels after confirmatory tests are correlated with left ventricular hypertrophy in primary aldosteronism. Hypertension. 2020;75:1475-82.
  19. Omori K, Katakami N, Arakawa S, Yamamoto Y, Ninomiya H, Takahara M, Matsuoka TA, Tsugawa H, Furuno M, Bamba T, Fukusaki E, Shimomura I. Identification of plasma inositol and indoxyl sulfate as novel biomarker candidates for atherosclerosis in patients with type 2 diabetes -Findings from metabolome analysis using GC/MS-. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2020;27:1053-67.
  20. Ozawa H, Fukui K, Komukai S, Hosokawa Y, Fujita Y, Kimura T, Tokunaga A, Kozawa J, Iwahashi H, Shimomura I. Clinical significance of the maximum body mass index before onset of type 2 diabetes for predicting beta-cell function. J Endocr Soc. 2020;4:bvz023.
  21. Rathmann W, Charbonnel B, Gomes MB, Hammar N, Khunti K, Kosiborod M, Kuss O, Shestakova MV, Watada H, Shimomura I, Tang F, Cid-Ruzafa J, Chen H, Fenici P, Surmont F, Ji L; DISCOVER investigators. Socioeconomic factors associated with hypoglycaemia in patients starting second-line glucose-lowering therapy: The DISCOVER study. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2020;165:108250.
  22. Saiki A, Otsuki M, Mukai K, Hayashi R, Shimomura I, Kurihara I, Ichijo T, Takeda Y, Katabami T, Tsuiki M, Wada N, Ogawa Y, Kawashima J, Sone M, Inagaki N, Yoshimoto T, Okamoto R, Takahashi K, Kobayashi H, Tamura K, Kamemura K, Yamamoto K, Izawa S, Kakutani M, Yamada M, Tanabe A, Naruse M; JPAS/JRAS Study Group. Basal plasma aldosterone concentration predicts therapeutic outcomes in primary aldosteronism. J Endocr Soc. 2020;4:bvaa011.
  23. Saiki A, Otsuki M, Tamada D, Kitamura T, Shimomura I, Kurihara I, Ichijo T, Takeda Y, Katabami T, Tsuiki M, Wada N, Yanase T, Ogawa Y, Kawashima J, Sone M, Inagaki N, Yoshimoto T, Okamoto R, Takahashi K, Kobayashi H, Tamura K, Kamemura K, Yamamoto K, Izawa S, Kakutani M, Yamada M, Tanabe A, Naruse M; JPAS/JRAS Study Group. Diabetes mellitus itself increases cardio-cerebrovascular risk and renal complications in primary aldosteronism. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020;105:dgaa177.
  24. Takahara M, Fukuda M, Matsuzawa Y, Shimomura I. Effect of tasteless calorie-free gum chewing before meal on postprandial plasma glucose, insulin, glucagon, and gastrointestinal hormones in Japanese men without diagnosed glucose metabolism disorder: a pilot randomized crossover trial.  Diabetol Int. 2020;11:394-402.
  25. Takahara M, Iida O, Kohsaka S, Soga Y, Fujihara M, Shinke T, Amano T, Ikari Y, J EVT and investigators JP. Presentation pattern of lower extremity endovascular intervention versus percutaneous coronary intervention. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2020;27:761-8.
  26. Takahara M, Iida O, Soga Y, Kodama A, Terashi H, Suzuki K, Sugimoto I, Azuma N. Heterogeneity of age and its associated features in patients with critical limb ischemia. Ann Vasc Dis. 2020;13:300-7.
  27. Takahara M, Iida O, Soga Y, Kodama A, Terashi H, Utsunomiya M, Okazaki J, Azuma N. Duration from wound occurrence to referral to a vascular center in Japanese patients with critical limb ischemia. Ann Vasc Dis. 2020;13:56-62.
  28. Takahara M, Okuno S, Nakamura I, Iida O, Tsujimura T, Hata Y, Fujita Y, Haneda M. Prospective study on clinical characteristics of Japanese diabetic patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia presenting Fontaine stage IV. Diabetol Int. 2020;11:33-40.
  29. Takahara M, Shiraiwa T, Matsuoka TA, Yamamoto K, Maeno Y, Shiraiwa Y, Yoshida Y, Katakami N, Iijima H, Katsumata H, Arakawa K, Hashimoto T, Shimomura I. Investigation of the effect of canagliflozin on the Disposition Index, a marker of pancreatic beta cell function, in patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes. 2020;13:4457-68.
  30. Takahara M, Soga Y, Fujihara M, Kawasaki D, Kozuki A, Iida O. Inverse association of diabetes and dialysis with the severity of femoropopliteal lesions and chronic total occlusion: a cross‑sectional study of 2056 cases. BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2020;20:514.
  31. Udagawa H, Hiramoto M, Kawaguchi M, Uebanso T, Ohara-Imaizumi M, Nammo T, Nishimura W, Yasuda K. Characterization of the taste receptor-related G-protein, α-gustducin, in pancreatic β-cells. J Diabetes Investig. 2020;11:814-22.
  32. Watanabe H, Katsura T, Takahara M, Miyashita K, Katakami N, Matsuoka TA, Kawamori D, Shimomura I. Plasma lipopolysaccharide binding protein level statistically mediates between body mass index and chronic microinflammation in Japanese patients with type 1 diabetes. Diabetol Int. 2020;11:293-7.
  33. Watanabe H, Yoneda S, Motoyama Y, Mukai K, Okuno Y, Kozawa J, Nishizawa H, Maeda N, Otsuki M, Matsuoka T, Morii E, Iwahashi H, Shimomura I. Marked hypergastrinemia with G-cell hyperplasia in two autoimmune gastritis patients. Intern Med. 2020;59:799-803.
  34. Yabe D, Higashiyama H, Kadowaki T, Origasa H, Shimomura I, Watada H, Tobe K, Iglay K, Tokita S, Seino Y. Real-world Observational Study on Patient Outcomes in Diabetes (RESPOND): study design and baseline characteristics of patients with type 2 diabetes newly initiating oral antidiabetic drug monotherapy in Japan. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2020;8:e001361.
  35. Yamamuro T, Kawabata T, Fukuhara A, Saita S, Nakamura S, Takeshita H, Fujiwara M, Enokidani Y, Yoshida G, Tabata K, Hamasaki M, Kuma A, Yamamoto K, Shimomura I, Yoshimori T. Age-dependent loss of adipose Rubicon promotes metabolic disorders via excess autophagy. Nat Commun. 2020;11:4150.


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  3. 大月道夫:プロラクチノーマ 今日の診断指針 第8版 2020;1154-5.
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  5. 大月道夫:急性副腎不全 新臨床内科学 第10版 2020;922-4.
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  1. 第39回小澤修三賞 奥野陽亮、福原淳範「Oxidative stress inhibits healthy adipose expansion through suppression of SREBF1-mediated lipogenic pathway」
  2. 第32回西川光夫賞 細川吉弥「Insulin-producing cells derived from 'induced pluripotent stem cells' of patients with fulminant type 1 diabetes: Vulnerability to cytokine insults and increased expression of apoptosis-related genes」
  3. 第39回小澤修三賞 Shin Jihoon、福原淳範「SDF-1 is an autocrine insulin-desensitizing factor in adipocytes」
  4. 第40回日本肥満学会若手研究奨励賞(YIA) 中村勇斗「幹細胞治療におけるアディポネクチン/T-カドヘリンの意義」


  1. Akehi, Y, Yanase, T, Motonaga, R, Umakoshi, H, Tsuiki, M, Takeda, Y, Yoneda, T, Kurihara, I, Itoh, H, Katabami, T, Ichijo, T, Wada, N, Shibayama, Y, Yoshimoto, T, Ashida, K, Ogawa, Y, Kawashima, J, Sone, M, Inagaki, N, Takahashi, K, Fujita, M, Watanabe, M, Matsuda, Y, Kobayashi, H, Shibata, H, Kamemura, K, Otsuki, M, Fujii, Y, Yamamoto, K, Ogo, A, Okamura, S, Miyauchi, S, Fukuoka, T, Izawa, S, Hashimoto, S, Yamada, M, Yoshikawa, Y, Kai, T, Suzuki, T, Kawamura, T, Naruse, M; Japan Primary Aldosteronism Study Group. High Prevalence of Diabetes in Patients With Primary Aldosteronism (PA) Associated With Subclinical Hypercortisolism and Prediabetes More Prevalent in Bilateral Than Unilateral PA: A Large, Multicenter Cohort Study in Japan. Diabetes Care. 2019;42:938-45.
  2. Arima, H, Iwama, S, Inaba, H, Ariyasu, H, Makita, N, Otsuki, M, Kageyama, K, Imagawa, A, Akamizu, T. Management of immune-related adverse events in endocrine organs induced by immune checkpoint inhibitors: clinical guidelines of the Japan Endocrine Society. Endocr J. 2019;66:581-6.
  3. Fukano, H, Takano, T, Fujimoto, Y, Nakatani, R, Watanabe, M, Hidaka, Y, Shimomura, I. In tube immunocytochemistry for fluorescence-activated cell sorting that prevents RNA degradation in sorted cells. Biotech Histochem. 2019:1-7.
  4. Fukuda, M, Arase, N, Otsuki, M, Kuritani, K, Hijiki, S, Nojima, S, Katayama, I, Terao, M, Inui, S, Fujimoto, M. Rare case of Leydig cell tumor with type I diabetes mellitus causing female pattern hair loss. J Dermatol. 2019;46:e484-6
  5. Gomes, MB, Rathmann, W, Charbonnel, B, Khunti, K, Kosiborod, M, Nicolucci, A, Pocock, SJ, Shestakova, MV, Shimomura, I, Tang, F, Watada, H, Chen, H, Cid-Ruzafa, J, Fenici, P, Hammar, N, Surmont, F, Ji, L, et al. Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus worldwide: Baseline patient characteristics in the global DISCOVER study. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2019;151:20-32.
  6. Hashimoto, Y, Nishida, Y, Takahashi, S, Nakamura, H, Mera, H, Kashiwa, K, Yoshiya, S, Inagaki, Y, Uematsu, K, Tanaka, Y, Asada, S, Akagi, M, Fukuda, K, Hosokawa, Y, Myoui, A, Kamei, N, Ishikawa, M, Adachi, N, Ochi, M, Wakitani, S. Transplantation of autologous bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells under arthroscopic surgery with microfracture versus microfracture alone for articular cartilage lesions in the knee: a multicenter prospective randomized control clinical trial. Regenerative Therapy. 2019;11:106-13.
  7. Hayashi, R, Okuno, Y, Mukai, K, Kitamura, T, Hayakawa, T, Onodera, T, Murata, M, Fukuhara, A, Imamura, R, Miyagawa, Y, Nonomura, N, Otsuki, M, Shimomura, I. Adipocyte GR Inhibits Healthy Adipose Expansion Through Multiple Mechanisms in Cushing Syndrome. Endocrinology. 2019;160:504-21.
  8. Hayashi, R, Tamada, D, Murata, M, Kitamura, T, Mukai, K, Maeda, N, Otsuki, M, Shimomura, I. Glucocorticoid Replacement Affects Serum Adiponectin Levels and HDL-C in Patients With Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2019;104:5814-22.
  9. Hosokawa, Y, Kozawa, J, Nishizawa, H, Kawamori, D, Maeda, N, Otsuki, M, Matsuoka, TA, Iwahashi, H, Shimomura, I. Positive correlation between fasting plasma glucagon and serum C-peptide in Japanese patients with diabetes. Heliyon. 2019;5:e01715.
  10. Katabami, T, Fukuda, H, Tsukiyama, H, Tanaka, Y, Takeda, Y, Kurihara, I, Ito, H, Tsuiki, M, Ichijo, T, Wada, N, Shibayama, Y, Yoshimoto, T, Ogawa, Y, Kawashima, J, Sone, M, Inagaki, N, Takahashi, K, Fujita, M, Watanabe, M, Matsuda, Y, Kobayashi, H, Shibata, H, Kamemura, K, Otsuki, M, Fujii, Y, Yamamoto, K, Ogo, A, Yanase, T, Suzuki, T, Naruse, M; JPAS/JRAS Study Group. Clinical and biochemical outcomes after adrenalectomy and medical treatment in patients with unilateral primary aldosteronism. J Hypertens. 2019;37:1513-20.
  11. Katakami, N, Matsuoka, TA, Shimomura, I. Clinical utility of carotid ultrasonography: Application for the management of patients with diabetes. J Diabetes Investig. 2019;10:883-98.
  12. Kawamori, D, Katakami, N, Takahara, M, Miyashita, K, Sakamoto, F, Yasuda, T, Matsuoka, TA, Shimomura, I. Dysregulated plasma glucagon levels in Japanese young adult type 1 diabetes patients. J Diabetes Investig. 2019;10:62-6.
  13. Kawamori, D. Alpha the versatile: Guardians of the islets. J Diabetes Investig. 2019;10:26-8.
  14. Khunti, K, Chen, H, Cid-Ruzafa, J, Fenici, P, Gomes, MB, Hammar, N, Ji, L, Kosiborod, M, Pocock, S, Shestakova, MV, Shimomura, I, Tang, F, Watada, H, Nicolucci, A, et al. Glycaemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes initiating second-line therapy: Results from the global DISCOVER study programme. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2020;22:66-78.
  15. Kita, S, Fukuda, S, Maeda, N, Shimomura, I. Native adiponectin in serum binds to mammalian cells expressing T-cadherin, but not AdipoRs or calreticulin. Elife. 2019;8: e48675.
  16. Kita, S, Maeda, N, Shimomura, I. Interorgan communication by exosomes, adipose tissue, and adiponectin in metabolic syndrome. J Clin Invest. 2019;129:4041-9.
  17. Li, M, Hirano, KI, Ikeda, Y, Higashi, M, Hashimoto, C, Zhang, B, Kozawa, J, Sugimura, K, Miyauchi, H, Suzuki, A, Hara, Y, Takagi, A, Ikeda, Y, Kobayashi, K, Futsukaichi, Y, Zaima, N, Yamaguchi, S, Shrestha, R, Nakamura, H, Kawaguchi, K, Sai, E, Hui, SP, Nakano, Y, Sawamura, A, Inaba, T, Sakata, Y, Yasui, Y, Nagasawa, Y, Kinugawa, S, Shimada, K, Yamada, S, Hao, H, Nakatani, D, Ide, T, Amano, T, Naito, H, Nagasaka, H, Kobayashi, K; Japan TGCV study group. Triglyceride deposit cardiomyovasculopathy: a rare cardiovascular disorder. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2019;14:134.
  18. Kozawa, J, Higashi, M, Shimomura, I, Hirano, KI. Intractable Coronary Artery Disease in a Patient With Type 2 Diabetes Presenting With Triglyceride Deposit Cardiomyovasculopathy. Diabetes Care. 2019;42:983-6.
  19. Maeda, N, Funahashi, T, Matsuzawa, Y, Shimomura, I. Adiponectin, a unique adipocyte-derived factor beyond hormones. Atherosclerosis. 2020;292:1-9.
  20. Masuda, S, Fujishima, Y, Maeda, N, Tsugawa-Shimizu, Y, Nakamura, Y, Tanaka, Y, Obata, Y, Fukuda, S, Nagao, H, Kita, S, Nishizawa, H, Shimomura, I. Impact of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase D on hepatic diacylglycerol accumulation, steatosis, and insulin resistance in diet-induced obesity. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2019;316:E239-E50.
  21. Mita, T, Katakami, N, Okada, Y, Yoshii, H, Osonoi, T, Nishida, K, Shiraiwa, T, Torimoto, K, Kurozumi, A, Wakasugi, S, Gosho, M, Shimomura, I, Watada, H. Protocol of a Prospective Observational Study on the Relationship Between Glucose Fluctuation and Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Ther. 2019;10:1565-75.
  22. Mori, D, Miyagawa, S, Matsuura, R, Sougawa, N, Fukushima, S, Ueno, T, Toda, K, Kuratani, T, Tomita, K, Maeda, N, Shimomura, I, Sawa, Y. Pioglitazone strengthen therapeutic effect of adipose-derived regenerative cells against ischemic cardiomyopathy through enhanced expression of adiponectin and modulation of macrophage phenotype. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2019;18:39.
  23. Motoda, S, Fujita, S, Kozawa, J, Kimura, T, Fukui, K, Ikuno, Y, Imagawa, A, Iwahashi, H, Shimomura, I. Case of a novel PAX6 mutation with aniridia and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. J Diabetes Investig. 2019;10:552-3.
  24. Mukai, K, Otsuki, M, Tamada, D, Kitamura, T, Hayashi, R, Saiki, A, Goto, Y, Arita, H, Oshino, S, Morii, E, Saitoh, Y, Shimomura, I. Clinical Characteristics of Acromegalic Patients With Paradoxical GH Response to Oral Glucose Load. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2019;104:1637-44.
  25. Nagai, Y, Mukai, K, Otsuki, M, Kimura, T, Kozawa, J, Nishizawa, H, Maeda, N, Matsuoka, TA, Iwahashi, H, Imagawa, A, Shimomura, I. Suppression Failure of Cortisol Secretion by Dexamethasone May Occur in Glucagon-like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonist-treated Patients with Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy. Intern Med. 2019;58:949-53.
  26. Nagasawa, M, Yamamoto, K, Rakugi, H, Takeda, M, Akasaka, H, Umakoshi, H, Tsuiki, M, Takeda, Y, Kurihara, I, Itoh, H, Ichijo, T, Katabami, T, Wada, N, Shibayama, Y, Yoshimoto, T, Ogawa, Y, Kawashima, J, Sone, M, Inagaki, N, Takahashi, K, Fujita, M, Watanabe, M, Matsuda, Y, Kobayashi, H, Shibata, H, Kamemura, K, Otsuki, M, Fujii, Y, Ogo, A, Okamura, S, Miyauchi, S, Yanase, T, Suzuki, T, Kawamura, T, Naruse, M; JPAS Study Group. Influence of antihypertensive drugs in the subtype diagnosis of primary aldosteronism by adrenal venous sampling. J Hypertens. 2019;37:1493-9.
  27. Naito, Y, Yamamoto, Y, Sakamoto, N, Shimomura, I, Kogure, A, Kumazaki, M, Yokoi, A, Yashiro, M, Kiyono, T, Yanagihara, K, Takahashi, RU, Hirakawa, K, Yasui, W, Ochiya, T. Cancer extracellular vesicles contribute to stromal heterogeneity by inducing chemokines in cancer-associated fibroblasts. Oncogene. 2019;38:5566-79.
  28. Nicolucci, A, Charbonnel, B, Gomes, MB, Khunti, K, Kosiborod, M, Shestakova, MV, Shimomura, I, Watada, H, Chen, H, Cid-Ruzafa, J, Fenici, P, Hammar, N, Surmont, F, Tang, F, Pocock, S. Treatment patterns and associated factors in 14 668 people with type 2 diabetes initiating a second-line therapy: Results from the global DISCOVER study programme. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2019;21:2474-85.
  29. Nishizawa, H, Shimomura, I. Population Approaches Targeting Metabolic Syndrome Focusing on Japanese Trials. Nutrients. 2019;11: E1430.
  30. Nishizawa, H, Shimomura, I. Fat cell lipolysis and future weight gain. J Diabetes Investig. 2019;10:221-3.
  31. Omori, K, Katakami, N, Yamamoto, Y, Ninomiya, H, Takahara, M, Matsuoka, TA, Bamba, T, Fukusaki, E, Shimomura, I. Identification of Metabolites Associated with Onset of CAD in Diabetic Patients Using CE-MS Analysis: A Pilot Study. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2019;26:233-45.
  32. Saiki, A, Tamada, D, Hayashi, R, Mukai, K, Kitamura, T, Takahara, M, Otsuki, M, Shimomura, I. The number of positive confirmatory tests is associated with the clinical presentation and incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events in primary aldosteronism. Hypertens Res. 2019;42:1186-91.
  33. Shimizu, Y, Kozawa, J, Hayakawa, T, Sakai, Y, Kimura, T, Kitamura, T, Murase, S, Tanaka, H, Maeda, N, Otsuki, M, Matsuoka, T, Mochizuki, H, Iwahashi, H, Shimomura, I. Asymptomatic Pontine Lesion and Diabetic Amyotrophy after Rapid Improvement of Poor Glycemic Control in a Patient with Type 1 Diabetes. Intern Med. 2019;58:3433-9.
  34. Takahara, M, Katakami, N, Shiraiwa, T, Abe, K, Ayame, H, Ishimaru, Y, Iwamoto, M, Shimizu, M, Tomonaga, O, Yokoyama, H, Matsuoka, TA, Shimomura, I. Evaluation of health utility values for diabetic complications, treatment regimens, glycemic control and other subjective symptoms in diabetic patients using the EQ-5D-5L. Acta Diabetol. 2019;56:309-19.
  35. Takahara, M, Shiraiwa, T, Katakami, N, Maeno, Y, Yamamoto, K, Shiraiwa, Y, Yoshida, Y, Matsuoka, TA, Shimomura, I. Different daily glycemic profiles after switching from once-daily alogliptin plus twice-daily metformin to their once-daily fixed-dose combination in Japanese type 2 diabetic patients. Endocr J. 2019;66:11-7.
  36. Takahara, M, Iida, O, Fujita, Y, Haneda, M. Clinical characteristics of Japanese diabetic patients with critical limb ischemia presenting Fontaine stage IV. Diabetol Int. 2019;10:231-5.
  37. Takahara, M, Iida, O, Kohsaka, S, Soga, Y, Fujihara, M, Shinke, T, Amano, T, Ikari, Y. Diabetes mellitus and other cardiovascular risk factors in lower-extremity peripheral artery disease versus coronary artery disease: an analysis of 1,121,359 cases from the nationwide databases. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2019; 18:155.
  38. Takahi, Y, Miyashita, K, Takahara, M, Katakami, N, Kuroda, A, Matsuoka, TA, Matsuhisa, M, Ito, T, Shimomura, I. Predictive factors of posttransplant glucose intolerance in Japanese patients with type 1 diabetes after pancreas transplantation. Endocr J. 2019;66:1101-12.
  39. Takashi, Y, Ishizu, M, Mori, H, Miyashita, K, Sakamoto, F, Katakami, N, Matsuoka, TA, Yasuda, T, Hashida, S, Matsuhisa, M, Kuroda, A. Circulating osteocalcin as a bone-derived hormone is inversely correlated with body fat in patients with type 1 diabetes. PLoS One. 2019;14:e0216416.
  40. Takeda, Y, Umakoshi, H, Takeda, Y, Yoneda, T, Kurihara, I, Katabami, T, Ichijo, T, Wada, N, Yoshimoto, T, Ogawa, Y, Kawashima, J, Sone, M, Takahashi, K, Watanabe, M, Matsuda, Y, Kobayashi, H, Shibata, H, Kamemura, K, Otsuki, M, Fujii, Y, Yamamto, K, Ogo, A, Yanase, T, Suzuki, T, Naruse, M; JPAS Study Group. Impact of adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation during adrenal venous sampling on outcomes of primary aldosteronism. J Hypertens. 2019;37:1077-82.
  41. Tanaka, Y, Kita, S, Nishizawa, H, Fukuda, S, Fujishima, Y, Obata, Y, Nagao, H, Masuda, S, Nakamura, Y, Shimizu, Y, Mineo, R, Natsukawa, T, Funahashi, T, Ranscht, B, Fukada, SI, Maeda, N, Shimomura, I. Adiponectin promotes muscle regeneration through binding to T-cadherin. Sci Rep. 2019;9:16.
  42. Yoneda, S, Imagawa, A, Hosokawa, Y, Baden, MY, Kimura, T, Uno, S, Fukui, K, Goto, K, Uemura, M, Eguchi, H, Iwahashi, H, Kozawa, J, Shimomura, I. T-Lymphocyte Infiltration to Islets in the Pancreas of a Patient Who Developed Type 1 Diabetes After Administration of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors. Diabetes Care. 2019;42:e116-e8.


  1. 岩橋 博見、下村 伊一郎:【現代医学・生物学の先駆者たち】臨床医学 垂井清一郎(1927-) 垂井病(Tarui disease)の研究 生体の科学 2019;70:480.
  2. 大月道夫:クッシング症候群 今日の治療指針 2019;792-3.
  3. 大月道夫:内分泌疾患を見逃さないための検査のコツ 検査を病棟で上手に使おう! ルーチン検査を使った症候ごとの確定診断の進め方 レジデントノート 2019;21:97-9.
  4. 大月道夫:免疫チェックポイント阻害薬による内分泌機能障害 内分泌・糖尿病・代謝内科 2019; 49:85-88.
  5. 大月道夫:免疫チェックポイント阻害薬による副作用 (irAE) 消化器がん化学療法 副作用マネジメントプロのコツ 改訂第2版 2019;407-9.
  6. 大月道夫:下垂体機能低下症 内科 2019;124:2431-9.
  7. 前田法一、下村伊一郎:アディポネクチン 内科学書 改訂第9版 2019; 5:241-2.
  8. 前田法一:肥満症 内科学書 改訂第9版 2019;5:448-53.
  9. 西澤 均:メタボリックシンドローム 内科学書 改訂第9版 2019;5:454-9.
  10. 河盛 段、林 良敬:基礎編・糖尿病治療の新基軸〜グルカゴンの意義と新知見 コスミックコーポレーション 糖尿病領域エキスパート対談  2019;1:1-8.
  11. 林 良敬、河盛 段:臨床編・糖尿病治療の新基軸〜グルカゴン測定によって糖尿病治療はどう変わるのか コスミックコーポレーション 糖尿病領域エキスパート対談 2019;2:1-8.
  12. 和佐勝史、河盛 段、渡部健二:卒前・卒後教育の動向から見た外科医の育成戦略 日本外科学会雑誌 2019;120:704-6.
  13. 奥野陽亮、下村伊一郎:酸化ストレスによる脂肪組織の増大の制御 糖尿病学 2019;59-64.
  14. 宮下和幸、河盛 段:低血糖・シックデイにどう対処するか 診断と治療 2019;107:292-8.
  15. 大森一生:ヨード造影検査をする場合、ビグアナイド薬は中断した方がよいですか? レジデントノート 2019;21:678-9.

ページトップ ▲



  1. 第7回万有医学奨励賞最優秀賞:藤島裕也「アディポネクチンの組織集積のメカニズムと、その抗動脈硬化作用の解明」
  2. 第19回日本内分泌学会若手研究奨励賞(YIA):下直樹「膵β細胞高血糖毒性感受性遺伝子の新規同定と解析」
  3. 第39回日本肥満学会Kobe Award:福田士郎「T-カドヘリンに特有のプロドメインはアディポネクチンとの結合において重要な役割を持つ」
  4. 第9回臨床医学研究塾Clinical Investigator Award 2018:細川吉弥「Insulin-producing cells derived from 'induced pluripotent stem cells' of patients with fulminant type 1 diabetes: Vulnerability to cytokine insults and increased expression of apoptosis-related genes」
  5. 第28回間脳下垂体腫瘍学会研究奨励賞:向井康祐「経口ブドウ糖負荷試験 (OGTT)のGH奇異反応は先端巨大症のGH分泌と薬物反応性と関係する」
  6. 第26回垂井清一郎症例研究賞:林令子「Multiple Gouty Tophi with Bone Erosion and Destruction:A Report of an Early-onset Case in an Obese Patient.」
  7. 第91回日本内分泌学会学術集会トラベルグラント:渡邉裕尭「G 細胞過形成による著明な高ガストリン血症を認めた自己免疫性胃炎の2 例」


  1. Chijimatsu, R, Kobayashi, M, Ebina, K, Iwahashi, T, Okuno, Y, Hirao, M, Fukuhara, A, Nakamura, N, Yoshikawa, H. Impact of dexamethasone concentration on cartilage tissue formation from human synovial derived stem cells in vitro. Cytotechnology. 2018;70:819-29.
  2. Fujita, Y, Kozawa, J, Iwahashi, H, Yoneda, S, Uno, S, Eguchi, H, Nagano, H, Imagawa, A, Shimomura, I. Human pancreatic alpha- to beta-cell area ratio increases after type 2 diabetes onset. J Diabetes Investig. 2018;9:1270-82.
  3. Fukuda, S, Hirata, A, Nishizawa, H, Nagao, H, Kimura, T, Fujishima, Y, Yamaoka, M, Kozawa, J, Imagawa, A, Funahashi, T, Maeda, N, Shimomura, I. Characteristics of sleep-wake cycle and sleep duration in Japanese type 2 diabetes patients with visceral fat accumulation. J Diabetes Investig. 2018;9:63-8.
  4. Hayakawa, T, Kitamura, T, Tamada, D, Mukai, K, Hayashi, R, Takahara, M, Otsuki, M, Shimomura, I. Evaluation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis by the GHRP2 test: comparison with the insulin tolerance test. J Endocr Soc. 2018;2:860-9.
  5. Hayakawa, T, Minemura, T, Onodera, T, Shin, J, Okuno, Y, Fukuhara, A, Otsuki, M, Shimomura, I. Impact of MR on mature adipocytes in high-fat/high-sucrose diet-induced obesity. J Endocrinol. 2018;239:63-71.
  6. Hayashi, I, Watanabe, N, Nakata, S, Komatsu, R, Motoda, S, Fujita, Y, Ishibashi, C, Yamaguchi Baden, M, Kimura, T, Takahara, M, Kozawa, J, Imagawa, A, Iwahashi, H, Shimomura, I. Factors associated with treatment satisfaction in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus using oral glucose-lowering agents: a cross-sectional study in urban districts in Japan. Endocr J. 2018;65:1001-9.
  7. Hosokawa, Y, Toyoda, T, Fukui, K, Baden, MY, Funato, M, Kondo, Y, Sudo, T, Iwahashi, H, Kishida, M, Okada, C, Watanabe, A, Asaka, I, Osafune, K, Imagawa, A, Shimomura, I. Insulin-producing cells derived from 'induced pluripotent stem cells' of patients with fulminant type 1 diabetes: Vulnerability to cytokine insults and increased expression of apoptosis-related genes. J Diabetes Investig. 2018:9:481-93.
  8. Irie, Y, Katakami, N, Mita, T, Takahara, M, Matsuoka, TA, Gosho, M, Watada, H, Shimomura, I, Study of Preventive Effects of Alogliptin on Diabetic Atherosclerosis (SPEAD-A) Collaborators. Evaluation of the effect of alogliptin on tissue characteristics of the carotid wall: Subanalysis of the SPEAD-A Trial. Diabetes Ther. 2018;9:317-29.
  9. Ishibashi, C, Kozawa, J, Fujita, Y, Yoneda, S, Uno, S, Kimura, T, Fukui, K, Nojima, S, Morii, E, Eguchi, H, Iwahashi, H, Imagawa, A, Shimomura, I. Glucose intolerance after pancreatectomy was associated with preoperative hemoglobin A1c, insulin resistance, and histological pancreatic fatty infiltration. Pancreas. 2018;47:e48-e50.
  10. Iwahashi, H. Chapter 9: Glucose intolerance in myotonic dystrophy. Myotonic Dystrophy:Disease Mechanism, Current Management and Therapeutic Development. 2018;149-59.
  11. Kashiwagi, R, Yamada, Y, Ito, Y, Mitsui, Y, Sakaue, T, Iwamoto, R, Saisho, K, Tamba, S, Yamamoto, K, Watanabe, T, Fujimoto, T, Iwahashi, H, Matsuzawa, Y. Increase in adiponectin level prevents the development of type 2 diabetes in Japanese men with low adiponectin levels. J Endocr Soc. 2018;2:753-64.
  12. Katakami, N. Mechanism of development of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease in diabetes mellitus. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2018;25:27-39.
  13. Katakami, N, Mita, T, Gosho, M, Takahara, M, Irie, Y, Yasuda, T, Matsuoka, TA, Osonoi, T, Watada, H, Shimomura, I. Clinical utility of carotid ultrasonography in the prediction of cardiovascular events in patients with diabetes: A combined analysis of data obtained in five longitudinal studies. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2018;25:1053-66.
  14. Katakami, N, Mita, T, Irie, Y, Takahara, M, Matsuoka, TA, Gosho, M, Watada, H, Shimomura, I, Sitagliptin Preventive study of Intima-media thickness Evaluation (SPIKE) Collaborators. Effect of sitagliptin on tissue characteristics of the carotid wall in patients with type 2 diabetes: a post hoc sub-analysis of the sitagliptin preventive study of intima-media thickness evaluation (SPIKE). Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2018;17:24.
  15. Katakami, N, Mita, T, Takahara, M, Hashigami, K, Kawashima, M, Shimomura, I, Watada, H, group, JDs. Rationale and design for the J-DISCOVER Study: DISCOVERing the treatment reality of type 2 diabetes in a real-world setting in Japan-A protocol. Diabetes Ther. 2018;9:165-75.
  16. Kobayashi, H, Abe, M, Soma, M, Takeda, Y, Kurihara, I, Itoh, H, Umakoshi, H, Tsuiki, M, Katabami, T, Ichijo, T, Wada, N, Yoshimoto, T, Ogawa, Y, Kawashima, J, Sone, M, Inagaki, N, Takahashi, K, Watanabe, M, Matsuda, Y, Shibata, H, Kamemura, K, Yanase, T, Otsuki, M, Fujii, Y, Yamamoto, K, Ogo, A, Nanba, K, Tanabe, A, Suzuki, T, Naruse, M; JPAS Study Group. Development and validation of subtype prediction scores for the workup of primary aldosteronism. J Hypertens. 2018;36:2269-76.
  17. Kosiborod, M, Gomes, MB, Nicolucci, A, Pocock, S, Rathmann, W, Shestakova, MV, Watada, H, Shimomura, I, Chen, H, Cid-Ruzafa, J, Fenici, P, Hammar, N, Surmont, F, Tang, F, Khunti, K, investigators, D. Vascular complications in patients with type 2 diabetes: prevalence and associated factors in 38 countries (the DISCOVER study program). Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2018;17:150.
  18. Kuramoto, N, Wakahara, T, Tamagawa, Y, Uchino, T, Koseto, M, Kawakami, M, Otsuki, M, Aoki, Y, Ishibashi, M, Kasayama, S, Sumitani, S, Koga, M. A case of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance with abnormal low levels of plasma glycated albumin by M protein. Clin Chim Acta. 2018;487:337-40.
  19. Masuda, D, Kobayashi, T, Sairyou, M, Hanada, H, Ohama, T, Koseki, M, Nishida, M, Maeda, N, Kihara, S, Minami, T, Yanagi, K, Sakata, Y, Yamashita, S. Effects of a dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor sitagliptin on glycemic control and lipoprotein metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (GLORIA Trial). J Atheroscler Thromb. 2018;25:512-20.
  20. Motoda, S, Shiraki, N, Ishihara, T, Sakaguchi, H, Kabata, D, Takahara, M, Kimura, T, Kozawa, J, Imagawa, A, Nishida, K, Shintani, A, Iwahashi, H, Shimomura, I. Predictors of postoperative bleeding after vitrectomy for vitreous hemorrhage in patients with diabetic retinopathy. J Diabetes Investig. 2018;9:940-5.
  21. Murai, J, Nishizawa, H, Otsuka, A, Fukuda, S, Tanaka, Y, Nagao, H, Sakai, Y, Suzuki, M, Yokota, S, Tada, H, Doi, M, Fujishima, Y, Kita, S, Funahashi, T, Maeda, N, Nakamura, T, Shimomura, I. Low muscle quality in Japanese type 2 diabetic patients with visceral fat accumulation. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2018;17:112.
  22. Nagao, H, Nishizawa, H, Tanaka, Y, Fukata, T, Mizushima, T, Furuno, M, Bamba, T, Tsushima, Y, Fujishima, Y, Kita, S, Funahashi, T, Maeda, N, Mori, M, Fukusaki, E, Shimomura, I. Hypoxanthine secretion from human adipose tissue and its increase in hypoxia. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2018;26:1168-78.
  23. Ninomiya, H, Katakami, N, Matsuoka, TA, Takahara, M, Nishizawa, H, Maeda, N, Otsuki, M, Imagawa, A, Iso, H, Ohira, T, Shimomura, I. Association between poor psychosocial conditions and diabetic nephropathy in Japanese type 2 diabetes patients: A cross-sectional study. J Diabetes Investig. 2018;9:162-72.
  24. Ninomiya, H, Katakami, N, Sato, I, Osawa, S, Yamamoto, Y, Takahara, M, Kawamori, D, Matsuoka, TA, Shimomura, I. Association between subclinical atherosclerosis markers and the level of accumulated advanced glycation end-products in the skin of patients with diabetes. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2018;25:1274-84.
  25. Nishitani, S, Fukuhara, A, Shin, J, Okuno, Y, Otsuki, M, Shimomura, I. Metabolomic and microarray analyses of adipose tissue of dapagliflozin-treated mice, and effects of 3-hydroxybutyrate on induction of adiponectin in adipocytes. Sci Rep. 2018;8:8805.
  26. Obata, Y, Kita, S, Koyama, Y, Fukuda, S, Takeda, H, Takahashi, M, Fujishima, Y, Nagao, H, Masuda, S, Tanaka, Y, Nakamura, Y, Nishizawa, H, Funahashi, T, Ranscht, B, Izumi, Y, Bamba, T, Fukusaki, E, Hanayama, R, Shimada, S, Maeda, N, Shimomura, I. Adiponectin/T-cadherin system enhances exosome biogenesis and decreases cellular ceramides by exosomal release. JCI Insight. 2018;3:e99680.
  27. Ohno, Y, Sone, M, Inagaki, N, Yamasaki, T, Ogawa, O, Takeda, Y, Kurihara, I, Itoh, H, Umakoshi, H, Tsuiki, M, Ichijo, T, Katabami, T, Tanaka, Y, Wada, N, Shibayama, Y, Yoshimoto, T, Ogawa, Y, Kawashima, J, Takahashi, K, Fujita, M, Watanabe, M, Matsuda, Y, Kobayashi, H, Shibata, H, Kamemura, K, Otsuki, M, Fujii, Y, Yamamoto, K, Ogo, A, Okamura, S, Miyauchi, S, Fukuoka, T, Izawa, S, Yoneda, T, Hashimoto, S, Yanase, T, Suzuki, T, Kawamura, T, Tabara, Y, Matsuda, F, Naruse, M; Nagahama Study; JPAS Study Group.Prevalence of cardiovascular disease and its risk factors in primary aldosteronism: a multicenter study in Japan. Hypertension 2018;71:530-7.
  28. Ohno, Y, Sone, M, Inagaki, N, Yamasaki, T, Ogawa, O, Takeda, Y, Kurihara, I, Umakoshi, H, Ichijo, T, Katabami, T, Wada, N, Ogawa, Y, Yoshimoto, T, Kawashima, J, Watanabe, M, Matsuda, Y, Kobayashi, H, Shibata, H, Miyauchi, S, Kamemura, K, Fukuoka, T, Yamamoto, K, Otsuki, M, Suzuki, T, Naruse, M; JPAS Study Group. Obesity as a key factor underlying idiopathic hyperaldosteronism. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2018;103:4456-64.
  29. Okuno, Y, Fukuhara, A, Hashimoto, E, Kobayashi, H, Kobayashi, S, Otsuki, M, Shimomura, I. Oxidative stress inhibits healthy adipose expansion through suppression of SREBF1-mediated lipogenic pathway. Diabetes. 2018;67:1113-27.
  30. Osawa, S, Katakami, N, Sato, I, Ninomiya, H, Omori, K, Yamamoto, Y, Takahara, M, Miyashita, K, Sakamoto, F, Kawamori, D, Matsuoka, T, Shimomura, I. Skin autofluorescence is associated with vascular complications in patients with type 2 diabetes. J Diabetes Complications. 2018;32:839-44.
  31. Sato, F, Maeda, N, Yamada, T, Namazui, H, Fukuda, S, Natsukawa, T, Nagao, H, Murai, J, Masuda, S, Tanaka Y, Obata, Y, Fujishima, Y, Nishizawa, H, Funahashi, T, Shimomura, I. Association of epicardial, visceral, and subcutaneous fat with cardiometabolic diseases. Circ J. 2018;82:502-8.
  32. Shin, J, Fukuhara, A, Onodera, T, Kita, S, Yokoyama, C, Otsuki, M, Shimomura, I. SDF-1 is an autocrine insulin-desensitizing factor in adipocytes. Diabetes. 2018;67:1068-78.
  33. Takahara, M, Iida, O, Soga, Y, Azuma, N, Nanto, S. Length and cost of hospital stay in poor-risk patients with critical limb ischemia undergoing revascularization. Circ J. 2018; 82:2634-9.
  34. Takeda, M, Yamamoto, K, Akasaka, H, Rakugi, H, Naruse, M, Takeda, Y, Kurihara, I, Itoh, H, Umakoshi, H, Tsuiki, M, Ichijo, T, Katabami, T, Wada, N, Shibayama, Y, Yoshimoto, T, Ogawa, Y, Kawashima, J, Sone, M, Inagaki, N, Takahashi, K, Fujita, M, Watanabe, M, Matsuda, Y, Kobayashi, H, Shibata, H, Kamemura, K, Otsuki, M, Fujii, Y, Ogo, A, Okamura, S, Miyauchi, S, Yanase, T, Suzuki, T, Kawamura, T; JPAS Study Group. Clinical characteristics and postoperative outcomes of primary aldosteronism in the elderly. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2018;103:3620-9.
  35. Tamada, D, Kitamura, T, Takahara, M, Tanaka, T, Takeda, M, Otsuki, M, Shimomura, I. TSH ratio as a novel diagnostic method for Cushing's syndrome. Endocr J. 2018;65:841-8.
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  2. 下村伊一郎:アディポネクチンの新しい側面 外科と代謝・栄養 2018;52:52.
  3. 横尾英孝、越坂理也、武田健治、前田祐香里、石川 耕、小野 啓、横手幸太郎、佐藤泰憲、浅原哲子、下村伊一郎、龍野一郎、津下一代、山内敏正、門脇 孝:肥満症に対する効果的な治療戦略と健康障害の改善に有効な減量数値目標を見出すための研究 肥満研究 2018;24:198.
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  6. 髙野 徹:最新の甲状腺腫瘍の核酸診断 内分泌・糖尿病・代謝内科 2018;47:145-9.
  7. 喜多俊文、下村伊一郎:多量体アディポネクチンのT-カドヘリンを介する集積とエクソソーム産生促進による細胞・組織保護作用について DIABETES JOURNAL 2018;1-9.
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  10. 後藤雄子、押野 悟、向井康祐、大月道夫、齋藤洋一:周術期低Na血症を防ぐ術後水分バランス管理の重要性 日本内科学会雑誌 2018;94:Suppl. HPT 41-2.
  11. 氏家 剛、植村元秀、向井康祐、小澤純二、大月道夫、高尾徹也、宮川 康、野々村祝夫:【原発性アルドステロン症Update】原発性アルドステロン症の診断 最新のコンセンサスステートメントより 日本内分泌・甲状腺外科学会雑誌 2018;35:2-7.
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  14. 西澤 均:肥満メタボ型糖尿病 病態の本態に迫る~内臓脂肪・異所性脂肪の観点から~ Medical View Point 2018;39:2.
  15. 西澤 均:内臓脂肪 医学のあゆみ 2018;266:757-61.
  16. 西澤 均、下村伊一郎:内臓脂肪蓄積と生活習慣病(メタボリックシンドローム) 第三期特定健診・特定保健指導ガイド 2018;42-50.
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  20. 片上直人:肥満メタボ型糖尿病 病態の本態に迫る〜血管合併症の発症とその対策の観点から〜 Medical View Point 2018;39:4-5.
  21. 徳永あゆみ、今川彰久、西尾 博、早田 敏、下村伊一郎、阿比留教生、粟田卓也、池上博司、内潟安子、及川洋一、大澤春彦、梶尾 裕、川﨑英二、川畑由美子、小澤純二、島田 朗、高橋和眞、田中昌一郎、中條大輔、福井智康、三浦順之助、安田和基、安田尚史、小林哲郎、花房俊昭、日本人1型糖尿病の成因、診断、病態、治療に関する調査研究委員会:劇症1型糖尿病の発症早期における膵臓MRI所見に関する調査報告 糖尿病 2018;61:840-9.
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  25. 山本裕一、河盛 段:肝疾患と糖代謝異常 Modern Physician 2018;38:126-30.
  26. 小幡佳也、下村伊一郎:アディポサイトカイン研究の最前線 循環器系に対する作用を含めて 循環器内科 2018;84:373-80.
  27. 長尾博文、下村伊一郎:脂肪組織とXOR 高尿酸血症と痛風 2018;26:32-7.
  28. 長尾博文、下村伊一郎:肥満からみて(尿酸を含めて) 糖尿病の最新治療 2018;9:124-9.
  29. 長尾博文、前田法一:肥満症の診断と内臓脂肪の評価法 Medical Practice 2018;35:215-8.
  30. 金丸洋蔵、良本佳代子、長友昌志、宮下和幸、髙原充佳、久保典代、坂本扶美枝、松岡孝昭、下村伊一郎、大橋 誠:糖尿病皮下注射治療患者における、硬結を伴わない皮下脂肪組織変化と血糖変動との関連 糖尿病 2018;61:117-25.
  31. 入江友香、長井直子、若林智佳、山口智勢、長島佳織、白波瀬景子、山本美紀子、山道祐子、徳澤千恵、下村伊一郎:当院の糖尿病腎症食における簡易カーボカウント法の妥当性の検討 糖尿病 2018;61:407.

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